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REVISTA ROMÂNĂ DE AUTOMATICĂ 105 Elementele componente ale reţelei Petri: Figura 5 Reţeaua Petri Funcţionarea pompei 1 Locaţii: P1 nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie între 60 şi 80 cm; P2 - nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie între 80 şi 120 cm; P3 nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie între 120 şi 170 cm; P4 nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie între 170 şi 200 cm; P5 nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie între 200 şi 280 cm; P6 pompa 1 funcţionează la prima limită de turaţie şi nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie este între 200 şi 280 cm; P7 - pompa 2 este oprită; P10 pompa 1 funcţionează la prima limită de turaţie; P20 pompa 1 funcţionează la a doua limită de turaţie; P30 pompa 1 funcţionează la a treia limită de turaţie; P40 pompa 1 funcţionează la a patra limită de turaţie; P11 nivelul apei în bazinul de aspiraţie între 200 şi 280 cm;

106 REVISTA ROMÂNĂ DE AUTOMATICĂ Tranziţii: T1 este atins nivel de 80 cm în sens crescător; T2 este atins nivel de 120 cm în sens crescător; T3 este atins nivel de 170 cm în sens crescător; T4 este atins nivel de 200 cm în sens crescător; T5 reducere turaţia pompei 1 la n1, nivelul a depăşit 200 cm; T6 pornire pompa 2; T7 oprire pompa 2; T1` este atins nivel de 80 cm în sens descrescător; T2` este atins nivel de 120 cm în sens descrescător; T3` este atins nivel de 170 cm în sens descrescător; T10 pompa 1 comută de la turaţia n1 la turaţia n2; T20 pompa 1 comută de la turaţia n2 la turaţia n3; T30 pompa 1 comută de la turaţia n3 la turaţia n4; T10` pompa 1 comută de la turaţia n2 la turaţia n1; T20` pompa 1 comută de la turaţia n3 la turaţia n2; T30` pompa 1 comută de la turaţia n4 la turaţia n3; T11 este atins nivel de 280 cm în sens crescător; Asemănător intră în funcţiune şi celelate pompe, pe parcurs ce se ating celelalte limite de nivel. c) Simulare funcţionare staţie de pompare prin intermediul interfeţei WinCC WinCC este un sistem autoritar HMI care funcţionează sub Microsoft Windows 2000 şi Windows XP. HMI este prescurtarea de la "Human Machine Interface" şi reprezintă interfaţa dintre persoană (operator) şi maşină (proces). În prezent prin automatizarea proceselor (AS) se obţine controlul oricărui proces. S-a ajuns la o comunicare între WinCC şi operator sau altfel spus între WinCC şi sisteme. WinCC este o interfaţă pentru operator folosit pentru vizualizarea proceselor şi dezvoltarea grafică. WinCC îi permite operatorului să observe funcţionarea procesului. Procesul este disponibil grafic pe ecran. Se poate urmări în fiecare moment starea procesului şi schimbările intervenite. WinCC îi permite operatorului să controleze procesul. El poate, de exemplu, predefini nişte puncte sau să deschidă un robinet doar folosind interfaţa grafică. Semnalul de alarmă se porneşte automat atunci când procesul este într-o stare critică. Dacă, de exemplu, sunt depăşite nişte valori limită predefinite, apare pe ecran un mesaj care ne atenţionează. Atunci când lucrăm cu WinCC, valorile procesului pot fi scrise pe loc sau să le avem într-o arhivă electronică. Documentarea acestor facilităţi ale proceselor sau a oricărei subsecvenţe se poate face în timpul produceri ei. Proiectarea în WinCC Pentru a crea un proiect în WinCC va trebui să parcurgem următorii paşi: 1. Pornirea WinCC-ului. 2. Crearea unui proiect. 3. Selectarea şi instalarea driver-ului de comunicaţie. 4. Definirea etichetelor. 5. Crearea şi editarea procesului pe calculator. 6. Specificarea proprietăţilor de rularea a WinCC-ului. 7. Activarea pe ecran al WinCC cu Runtime 8. Folosirea simulatorului de test pentru proces pe calculator.

REVISTA ROMÂNĂ DE AUTOMATICĂ 107 Vom crea un bazin care v-a reprezenta apa din staţia de pompare. Toate obiectele grafice de care avem nevoie pentru proces vor putea fi create cu ajutorul librăriilor WinCC. Interfaţa realizată este prezentată în figura următoare: Figura 6 Simulare staţie de pompare în WinCC 4. Concluzii În trecut, sarcinile de control al unei maşini sau proces erau rezolvate cu PLC-uri (Programmable Logic Controls) individuale şi izolate. Pentru a atinge un grad de flexibilitate cât mai înalt şi o productivitate ridicată este necesar ca maşinile individuale să fie integrate în întregul sistem. TIA(Totally Integrated Automation) oferă un mediu software comun, ce integrează toate componentele, în ciuda varietăţii tehnologiilor aplicate, într-un sistem uniform. Astfel sunt reunite toate cerinţele pentru programare, configurare, operare, managementul datelor, comunicare, şi menţinerea soluţiilor de control. Articolul prezintă proiectarea supervizorul staţiei de pompare ape uzate Cluj-Napoca bazat pe Reţele Petri, şi testarea proiectului apelând la sistemul autoritar HMI - Human Machine Interface, WinCC. Conectarea WinCC la PLC-ul S7 300 TM, ar da posibilitatea rulării acestuia în timp real, iar Step 7 SIMATIC Manager, ce rulează pe PGurile sau PC-urile Siemens, oferă un set integrat de utilitare pentru toate componentele sistemului ce permite crearea uşoară, testarea, pornirea, operarea şi mentenanţa (service-ul) soluţiei alese pentru controlul procesului de epurare al apei uzate. Biblografie 1. Cristina Iuliana Lazăr Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca, Simularea controlului staţiei de pompare a apelor uzate Cluj-Napoca, realizat cu S7 300 TM, 2005; 2. Adina M. Aştilean, Tiberiu S. Leţia - Sisteme cu evenimente discrete: modelare, analiză sinteză şi control Editura Albastră Cluj Napoca; 3. Ionel Marcel, Adela Husu - Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică - Sisteme de control şi vizualizarea funcţionării pompelor de apă acţionate prin intermediul motoarelor asincrone ; 4. SIEMENS Informare şi Instruire Simatic S7-Curs ST-7PRO1 ; 5. book/introduction to PLC controller son line Free. AR934-17.doc

RRA, Vol. XX, Nr. 3-4 pag. 108-117, 2007 Tip rit în România EMISSSION FACTORS OF INLAND NAVIGATION Virginia MATEI IPA CIFATT Craiova, Gabriel VL DU IPA CIFATT Craiova, Aurel MOGO AN IPA CIFATT Craiova, Abstract: Emissions factors is a fundamental tool in developing national, regional, and local emissions inventories for air quality management decisions and in developing emissions control strategies. Emissions factors are representative values that try to relate the quantity of a pollutant released in the atmosphere with an activity associated with the release of that pollutant. These factors are usually expressed as the weight of pollutant divided by a unit weight, volume, distance, or duration of the activity of emitting the pollutant (e.g., kilograms of pollutant emitted per ton of fuel). For many systems (processes) emission factor represents an average of pollutant measurements in a time period and can be an emissions parameter for the whole process. In the navigation process, on sea or on rivers, this is not possible. We have in the navigation process a complex system where the emission factor depends on many parameters. In this work we introduce a new term - basic emission factor- and we present an inventory of emission factors from inland navigation from different sources. Having these two elements we can make the next step in developing a methodology for determination of basic emission factor directly on board of the ship. Activity related to emission factors is a support work in the project CREATING, a R&D project under FP6 / STREP - Priority 1.6.2 Sustainable Surface Transport Keywords: basic emission factor 1. INTRODUCTION Emissions factors is a fundamental tool in developing national, regional, and local emissions inventories for air quality management decisions and in developing emissions control strategies. Emissions factors are representative values that attempt to relate the quantity of a pollutant released to the atmosphere with an activity associated with the release of that pollutant. These factors are usually expressed as the weight of pollutant divided by a unit weight, volume, distance, or duration of the activity emitting of the pollutant (e.g., kilograms of pollutant emitted per ton of fuel). 1.1 Short description of the navigation combustion process Like any combustion system, engines used in inland navigation burn a fuel to release heat and produce power. This process involves the oxidation of hydrocarbons from fuel to produce water and carbon dioxide. However, the fuel and air used in the combustion process typically contain more elements than hydrogen and carbon and oxygen.

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 109 During combustion additional elements implied in the process, form new molecules under the intense heat and pressure. Generally, these unnecessary products of combustion include the pollutants that affect our health and environment. Fuel combustion for navigation activities, like other fuel combustion processes, produces CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, NOx, NMVOCs, and SO2. Engines combustion process is presented in fig. 1 in a simplified scheme: Air for combustion Exhaust gases (water, CO, CO 2, NO x, SO x, hydrocarbons, PM) INPUTS Engine OUTPUTS Fuel (hydrocarbons, sulfur, other) Power Fig.1 Engines combustion process Chemical composition for some fuel is presented in table 1 Table 1 Fuel composition Fuel C % H % S % O % Exhaust gases density Diesel 86.2 13.6 0.17 0 1.292-1.294 RME 77.2 12.0 10.8 1.292-1.296 Methanol 37.5 12.6 0 50.0 1.233-1.272 Ethanol 52.1 13.1 0 34.7 1.26-1.281 Natural Gas* 60.6 19.3 0 1.9 1.28-1.257 Propane 81.7 18.3 0 0 1.268-1.284 Butane 82.7 17.3 0 0 1.273-1.285 * Volumetric composition: CO2 1.10%; N2 12.10%; CH4 84.20%; C2H6 3.42%; C3H8 0.66%; C4H10 0.22%; C5H12 0.05%; C6H14 0.05% [source 5] 2. EMISSION FACTOR The quantity of pollutant released from engines combustion process is a direct function of quantity of consumed fuel. Starting from this judgement we can define a basic emission factor like the quantity of pollutant produced by a weight unit of fuel at a moment or the quantity of pollutant produced when the consumed fuel produces a power unit. Basic emission factors are necessary to determine emissions from each navigation process activities: engines activities and ships activities.

110 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC By compilation of this basic emission factors, using equations and different information from databases regarding engines types, fuel types, ships operation modes, time for every operational mode, number of ships, etc., one estimate the emissions level specific for a source (in our case the source is nonroad engines for inland navigation). The elements necessary to calculate basic emission factors for a steady working state (fig.2), are: Pollutant concentration in exhaust gases: c expressed in weight units/ weight units or volume%, (ppm, %) Fuel mass flow in the moment of the measurement: q (kg/h) Engine power in the measurement moment: P(kW) STEADY WORKING STATE Fuel: q(kg/h) Pollutant Power c (ppm) P(kW) BEFQ - basic emission factor BEFP - basic emission factor related to consumed fuel related to power produced by (kg/ton of fuel) consumed fuel (g/kw-h) Fig. 2 The relation between BEFQ and BEFP is: BEFP = BEFQ x sfc x 10-3 (g/kw-h), where: (1) sfc - is the specific fuel consumption (g/kwh); generally is an engine parameter given by the manufacturer in performances diagrams and differs according to the engine power. Basic emission factors are a characteristic of an engine under constant working conditions. For every steady working condition must be established a basic emission factor. Today are used emission factors that can be calculated by different methods: 2.1. Direct measurements Measurements need to be collected over a period of time, to be representative for operations followed and to respect existent requirements and standards in the field. The European standard in exhaust emissions measurements is ISO 8178, Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Exhaust Emission Measurement, that contains 9 parts: Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particle exhaust emissions; Part 2: Measurement of gaseous and particle exhaust emissions at site; Part 3: Definitions and methods of measurement of exhaust gas smoke under steady-state conditions;

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 111 Part 4: Test cycles for different engine applications; Part 5: Test fuels; Part 6: Test report; Part 7: Engine family determination; Part 8: Engine group determination; Part 9: Test-bed measurement of exhaust gas smoke emissions from engines used in non-road mobile machinery. For in-service waterway engine testing, the most important parts of ISO 8178 are Parts 2 and 4. These parts specify theoretical conditions and test cycles to in-service engine testing. Although exists this standard, it is difficult to respect its conditions for on-board measurements. These measurements are generally adapted to the real conditions, so that the ship can execute its activities without changes. For such measurements were published different work manuals and guides that are based on ISO 8178 but with modifications for on-board conditions. 2.2 Mass balance The mass balance identifies the quantity of substance going in and out of the process. Emission factors can be calculated as the difference between input and output of each substance present in process. These techniques are best applied to systems with prescribed inputs, defined internal conditions, and known outputs. This method is recommended to be used in calculation of exhaust gas flow and/or combustion air consumption: Carbon balance method and Carbon/oxygen balance. Both methods are based on exhaust gas concentration measurements and on knowledge of fuel consumption and composition. The both methods are described in TECHNICAL CODE ON CONTROL OF EMISSION OF NITROGEN OXIDES FROM MARINE DIESEL ENGINES, MP/CONF. 3/35, adopted on Sept. 1997 by the Conference of Parties to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.[5] 2.3. Engineering calculation An engineering calculation is an estimation method based on physical/chemical properties of the substances and mathematical relationships. Theoretical and complex equations or models can be used for estimating emission factor from a variety of waterway activities and processes. Use of engineering calculations to estimate emission factor from such activities can be a more complex and time-consuming process. 2.4. Associated method for estimation of emission factors This method is a combination of the first three methods and is based on developing a correlation between pollutant emission rates and process parameters through measurements, information from databases or statistic and calculation. This method allows the development of specific emission factors, or emission factors more relevant for particular process stages. Based on test data and using various parameters, a mathematical correlation can be developed to establish emission factors relevant for the process. In this case it is necessary to outline the techniques for determination of emission factors of pollutant substances from the principal operational activities considered major in the navigation process, to establish the data inputs required, and the sources of this data. These calculations are based on standard assumptions about vessel operations, engine load profiles, and emissions characteristics. It is widely acknowledged that in-service engines perform differently than the new engines tested and certified by manufacturers. We mention here reference [2], VESSEL OPERATOR ENGINE EMISSIONS MEASUREMENT GUIDE, Final Report, Submitted by James J. Corbett, P.E., Ph.D., Principal Investigator University of Delaware (may 2003).

112 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC This document provides general guidelines and information to an operator who wants to monitor the emissions from one or several of the engines in a fleet of vessels. These guidelines are a result of a partnership between MARAD, the University of Delaware, and industry to research, develop, and disseminate information on energy and emissions technology and technology applications. 3. INVENTORY OF EMISSION FACTORS RELEVANT FOR NAVIGATION PROCESS The main source for databases used in emission factors analyzing, are Lloyds Register, Marintek, Germanisher Lloyd, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, EPA, as it was specified in the analyzed materials (studies, reports, etc.). The Lloyd s Register of Ships is considered to be the authoritative resource for information about ship details, including owner, operator, ship name, ship type, registry number, cargo handling equipment, flag of registry and, significantly, ship engine details such as maximum horsepower and number of auxiliary engines information about ship details, including owner, operator, ship name, ship type, registry number, cargo handling equipment, flag of registry and, significantly, ship engine details such as maximum horsepower and number of auxiliary engines. We propose in this research work to make a collection of emission factors used in analyzed materials and to calculate emission factors from kg/ton of fuel in g/kwh to have a unitary image of these elements. To perform this calculation we have used specific fuel consumption sfc- (g/kw-h). Table 2 provides information about Specific Fuel Consumption (sfc). For diesel engine, information was taken from the EEA/EMEP CORINAIR 1999 and for steam and gas turbine data information was taken from IMO 2000. [3] Table 2 Specific Fuel Consumption (sfc) (g/kw-hr) Engine Type sfc ( g/kw-hr) Slow-speed diesel 207 Medium-speed diesel 227 High-speed diesel 227 Steam turbine 290 Gas turbine 290 [source 3] In inland navigation there were identified some categories of ships presented in table 3. Table 3 Ship s type (category) Category Solid bulk Liquid bulk General cargo Container Passenger/RoRo/Cargo Passenger High speed ferries Inland Cargo Sail ships Tugs Fishing Other [source 1] Code SB LB GC CO PC PA HS IC SS TU FI OT

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 113 In table 4 are presented engines types and abbreviations used for each type. Table 4 Engines types Engine type Slow speed diesel, residual oil Medium speed diesel, residual oil High speed diesel, marine diesel oil Steam turbine, residual oil Steam turbine, marine diesel oil Steam turbine, marine gas oil Gas turbine Code SSD-RO MSD-RO HSD-MDO ST-RO ST-MDO ST-MGO GT [source 3] Using these classification and information from other studies, Starcrest Consulting Group, LLC [3] established a basic emission rate by pollutant for each type (category) of vessel, table 5 bellow: Table 5 Basic emission rate by pollutant and engine type (g/kw-h) Pollutant SSD-RO MSD-RO HSD-MDO ST-RO ST-MDO ST-MGO GT CO 2 682.44 748.37 719.59 956.07 919.30 919.30 919.30 CO 1.59 1.75 1.68 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.15 SO 2 11.63 12.75 2.27 16.29 5.80 2.90 2.90 NO x 19.67 14.13 12.94 2.11 1.81 1.81 4.64 HC 0.58 0.64 0.61 0.03 0.15 0.15 0.06 PM 1.64 1.79 0.27 0.75 0.61 0.61 0.32 [source 3] From other sources Proposed emission factors MEET RF98 [1], we have selected the values from emission factors corresponding to engines types presented in table 4. Values are in kg/ton of fuel. Using sfc values from table 1 we have calculated emission factors in g/kw-h with the relation (2). Calculated values are presented in table 6. Emission factor (g/kw-h) = Emission factor (kg/ton of fuel) x 10-3 x sfc (g/kw-h) (2) Table 6 Emission factors from MEET project (kg/ton of fuel) and calculated emission factors by IPA (g/kw-h) Sfc (g/kwh) Engine typefuel type U.M. SSD- RO [1] kg/to n of fuel SSD- RO MSD -RO [1] MSD -RO HSD- MDO [1] HSD- MDO ST- RO [1] ST- RO ST- MDO [1] ST- MDO GT [1] g/kw kg/to g/kw kg/to g/kw kg/to g/kw kg/to g/kw kg/to g/kw -h n of -h n of -h n of -h n of -h n of -h fuel fuel fuel fuel fuel 207 227 227 290 290 290 Polluta nt CO 2 3200 662.4 3200 726.4 3200 726.4-928 3200 928 3200 928 CO 7.4 1.53 7.4 1.68 9.0 2.043 0.908 0.26 0.6 0.174 0.5 0.145 SO 2 20s 4.14 20s 4.54 20s 4.54 20s 5.8 20s 5.8 20s 5.8 NO x 18.01 12.93 15.89 2.31 1.813 4.64 87 57 70 7.95 6.25 16 9 HC 2.4 0.497 2.4 0.545 3 0.681 0.215 0.062 0.5 0.145 0.2 0.058 PM 1.2 0.248 1.2 0.272 1.5 0.341 7.06 2.047 2.08 0.603 1.1 0.319 GT

114 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC Another important source for our emission factors review is the ENTEC study prepared for use by European Commission and covering a large European navigation area. ENTEC study develops a detailed analyze for emission factors based on different operational modes and fuel types. Using data from LMIS (Lloyd s Marine Intelligence Services) ENTEC has presented the emission factors from table 7. We do not find here data for slow speed engines, steam turbine and gas turbine engines, nor for CO. Table7 Emission factors (g/kw-h) and specific fuel consumption for engines and fuel types Engine typefuel MSD / MSD / MSD / HSD / HSD / HSD / RO type MGO MDO RO MGO MDO U.M. g/kw-h g/kw-h g/kw-h g/kw-h g/kw-h g/kw-h sfc (g/kw-h) 217 217 227 217 217 227 Pollutant CO 2 690 690 722 690 690 722 SO 2 1.1 4.3 12.3 1.1 4.3 12.3 NO x 13.9 13.9 14.7 10.9 10.9 11.6 HC 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 PM 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.8 [source 6] From ENTEC [6] we have taken over emission factors and specific fuel consumption regarding engine/fuel types for every operating mode (table 8 and table 9). We applied specific fuel consumption sfc (g/kw-h) (ecuation 1), to proposed emission factors from MEET [1] to obtain emission factors in g/kw-h corresponding to every operation mode (table 10, 11, 12). Table 8 Emission factors in g/kwh regarding engine / fuel type for cruising mode (on sea) Pollutant NOx SO2 CO2 HC specific fuel consumption Engine type / Fuel type SSD / MGO 17.0 0.9 588 0.6 185 SSD / MDO 17.0 3.7 588 0.6 185 SSD / RO 18.1 10.5 620 0.6 195 MSD / MGO 13.2 1.0 645 0.5 203 MSD / MDO 13.2 4.1 645 0.5 203 MSD / RO 14.0 11.5 677 0.5 213 HSD / MGO 12.0 1.0 645 0.2 203 HSD / MDO 12.0 4.1 645 0.2 203 HSD / RO 12.7 11.5 677 0.2 213 GT / MGO 5.7 1.5 922 0.1 290 GT / MDO 5.7 5.8 922 0.1 290 GT / RO 6.1 16.5 970 0.1 305 ST / MGO 2.0 1.5 922 0.1 290 ST / MDO 2.0 5.8 922 0.1 290 ST / RO 2.1 16.5 970 0.1 305 [Source 6]

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 115 Table 9 Emission factors in g/kwh regarding engine / fuel type for in port and manoeuvring on sea. Pollutant NOx SO2 CO2 HC PM specific fuel consumption Engine type / Fuel type SSD / MGO 13.6 1.0 647 1.8 0.9 204 SSD / MDO 13.6 4.1 647 1.8 0.9 204 SSD / RO 14.5 11.6 682 1.8 2.4 215 MSD / MGO 10.6 1.1 710 1.5 0.9 223 MSD / MDO 10.6 4.5 710 1.5 0.9 223 MSD / RO 11.2 12.7 745 1.5 2.4 234 HSD / MGO 9.6 1.1 710 0.6 0.9 223 HSD / MDO 9.6 4.5 710 0.6 0.9 223 HSD / RO 10.2 12.7 745 0.6 2.4 234 GT / MGO 2.9 1.6 1014 0.5 0.5 319 GT / MDO 2.9 6.4 1014 0.5 0.5 319 GT / RO 3.1 18.1 1067 0.5 1.5 336 ST / MGO 1.6 1.6 1014 0.3 0.9 319 ST / MDO 1.6 6.4 1014 0.3 0.9 319 ST / RO 1.7 18.1 1067 0.3 2.4 336 [Source 6] Table 10 Emission factors (g/kw-h) for inland ships in cruising mode* Pollutant NOx CO SOx CO2 HC (VOC) PM specific fuel consumption Engine type / Fuel type MEET x sfc x -3 10 g/kw-h [6] SSD / MGO 16.095 1.369 3.7s 592 0.444 0.222 185 SSD / MDO 16.095 1.369 3.7s 592 0.444 0.222 185 SSD / RO 16.965 1.443 3.9s 624 0.468 0.234 195 MSD / MGO 11.571 1.502 4.06s 649.6 0.487 0.244 203 MSD / MDO 11.571 1.502 4.06s 649.6 0.487 0.244 203 MSD / RO 12.141 1.576 4.26s 681.6 0.511 0.256 213 HSD / MGO 14.21 1.827 4.06s 649.6 0.609 0.305 203 HSD / MDO 14.21 1.827 4.06s 649.6 0.609 0.305 203 HSD / RO 14.91 1.917 4.26s 681.6 0.639 0.320 213 GT / MGO 4.64 0.145 5.8s 928 0.058 0.319 290 GT / MDO 4.64 0.145 5.8s 928 0.058 0.319 290 GT / RO 4.88 0.153 6.1s 976 0.061 0.336 305 ST / MGO 1.813 0.174 5.8s 928 0.145 0.603 290 ST / MDO 1.813 0174 5.8s 928 0.145 0.603 290 ST / RO 1.906 0.183 6.1s 976 0.153 0.634 305 * Emission factor (kg/ton fuel) from MEET is not differentiated by fuel types. In this situation we have applied a sfc differentiated by fuel and engines type to emission factors from MEET.

116 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC Table 11 Emission factors (g/kw-h) for inland ships in maneuvering mode * Pollutant NOx CO SOx CO2 HC (VOC) PM specific fuel consumption Engine type / Fuel type MEET x sfc x -3 10 g/kw-h [6] SSD / MGO 15.912 5.712 4.08s 653 0.734 0.245 204 SSD / MDO 15.912 5.712 4.08s 653 0734 0.245 204 SSD / RO 16.77 6.02 4.3s 688 0.774 0.258 215 MSD / MGO 11.373 6.244 4.46s 714 0.803 0.268 223 MSD / MDO 11.373 6.244 4.46s 714 0.803 0.268 223 MSD / RO 11.934 6.552 4.68s 749 0.842 0.281 234 HSD / MGO 14.049 7.582 4.46s 714 1.004 0.335 223 HSD / MDO 14.049 7.582 4.46s 714 1.004 0.335 223 HSD / RO 14.742 7.956 4.68s 749 1.050 0.351 234 GT / MGO 3.122 0.606 6.38s 1021 0.096 0.351 319 GT / MDO 3.122 0.606 6.38s 1021 0.096 0.351 319 GT / RO 3.276 0.638 6.72s 1075 0.101 0.370 336 ST / MGO 1.745 0.086 6.38s 1021 1.595 0.664 319 ST / MDO 1.745 0.086 6.38s 1021 1.595 0.664 319 ST / RO 1.838 0.091 6.72s 1075 1.680 0.699 336 * Emission factor (kg/ton fuel) from MEET is not differentiated by fuel types. In this situation we have applied a sfc differentiated by fuel and engines type to emission factors from MEET. Table 12 Emission factors (g/kw-h) for inland ships in hotteling mode * Pollutant NOx CO SOx CO2 HC (VOC) PM specific fuel consumption Engine type / Fuel type MEET x sfc x -3 10 g/kw-h [6] SSD / MGO 7.14 20.196 4.08s 653 4.712 0.245 204 SSD / MDO 7.14 20.196 4.08s 653 4.712 0.245 204 SSD / RO 7.525 21.285 4.3s 688 4.967 0.258 215 MSD / MGO 5.129 22.077 4.46s 714 5.151 0.268 223 MSD / MDO 5.129 22.077 4.46s 714 5.151 0.268 223 MSD / RO 5.382 23.166 4.68s 749 5.405 0.281 234 HSD / MGO 6.244 26.76 4.46s 714 6.445 0.335 223 HSD / MDO 6.244 26.76 4.46s 714 6.445 0.335 223 HSD / RO 6.552 28.08 4.68s 749 6.763 0.351 234 GT / MGO 1.914 2.233 6.38s 1021 0.606 0.351 319 GT / MDO 1.914 2.233 6.38s 1021 0.606 0.351 319 GT / RO 2.016 2.352 6.72s 1075 0.638 0.370 336 ST / MGO 0.992 0.191 6.38s 1021 0.157 0.673 319 ST / MDO 0.992 0.191 6.38s 1021 0.157 0.673 319 ST / RO 1.045 0.202 6.72s 1075 0.168 0.709 336 * Emission factor (kg/ton fuel) from MEET is not differentiated by fuel types. In this situation we applied a sfc differentiated by fuel and engines type to emission factors from MEET.

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 117 4. CONCLUSIONS For many systems (processes) emission factor represent an average of pollutant measurements in a time period and can be assumed as the emissions parameter for the whole process. In the navigation process, on the sea or on the rivers, this is not possible. We have in the navigation process a complex system where the emission factor depends on many parameters. There are numerous studies and research works that follow to find a methodology to establish emission factors so that they mirror better the whole navigation process. Although there are many studies in the field, there is not a unitary methodology yet. Every work treats the navigation process from certain points of view, every study use own assumptions and approximations and the results are various. Generally, these studies try to estimate emission level from navigation activities on emission factors base and not to establish a methodology for emission factors determination. At present the data that underline emission factors is limited and is an aggregation of engine tests on a variety of engine types and sizes, fuel types, operational mode, etc. Emission factors are still derived from limited data. Some conclusion can be formulated after the study of emission factors from other research works: 1. Three sources that studied emission factors (g/kwh) offer us close values for pollutant released in air during fuel burning ( table 5, 6and 7) even if the used methodologies in calculation of these factors are different. 2. Engine type and fuel type are key elements in relation with emission factors: emissions are increased for MSD engines than those for SSD engines (table 5, 6) except NOx that is better and RO (residual oil) produces more quantities of pollutant than MDO or MGO (table 7). 3. Working state of the engine is another important element in the evaluation of air pollution from navigation: during cruising that generally means steady working state of the engine the emission factors are smaller than those for manoeuvrings mode when the engine is changing frequently its working condition (table 8, 9 for navigation on the sea and table 10, 11 for inland navigation). Understanding how and how much each parameter from navigation process has an influence on the quantity of pollutant released in air, will allow us to find in the next stages of our work a method to calculate the basic emission factor and the emission level. 5. REFERENCES [1]. METHODOLOGIES FOR ESTIMATING AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS, Techne report MEET RF98, August 1998, Carlo Trozzi, Rita Vaccaro [2]. VESSEL OPERATOR ENGINE EMISSIONS MEASUREMENT GUIDE, Final Report, Submitted by James J. Corbett, P.E., Ph.D., Principal Investigator University of Delaware [3]. DERIVATION OF MARINE VESSEL EMISSION FACTORS, NYNJLINA CMVEI, Starcrest Consulting Group, LLC D-1, APPENDIX D [4]. AIR EMISSIONS CALCULATION METHODOLOGY, APPENDIX D, Laurie Kutina, Ecology and Environment, Inc., Air Quality Specialist [5]. TECHNICAL CODE ON CONTROL OF EMISSION OF NITROGEN OXIDES FROM MARINE DIESEL ENGINES, CONFERENCE OF PARTIES TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO, MP/CONF. 3/35, 22 October 1997 [6]. ENTEC - QUANTIFICATION OF SHIP EMISSIONS, Final Report chapt 2, July 2002 [7]. EMISSIONS INVENTORY GUIDEBOOK - OTHER MOBILE SOURCES & MACHINERY, 15February, 1996, Activities 080100 081000 AR934-18.doc

RRA, Vol. XX, Nr. 3 4 pag. 118-124, 2007 Tip rit în România Tele-controle in Electrical Stations eng. Daniela MIHAI IPA, Craiova subsidiary, Automation Engineering Institut, Craiova, Romania, eng. Alexandru CR CIUN IPA, Craiova subsidiary, Automation Engineering Institut, Craiova, Romania, eng. Ciprian PREDESCU IPA, Craiova subsidiary, Automation Engineering Institut, Craiova, Romania, eng Irina CONSTANTINESCU IPA, Craiova subsidiary, Automation Engineering Institut, Craiova, Romania, eng Cornelia POPA IPA, Craiova subsidiary, Automation Engineering Institut, Craiova, Romania, Abstract: The extension of computational technique for the generalization of automatics, information and process monitoring involve the conception and materialization of complex data acquisition equipments, processing, memorizing and sending data taken from those processes at a higher level - dispatcher. In this way, it is presented data acquisition equipment for energetic measures which is incorporated in a dispatching system aiming the monitoring and storing of electrical measures which are taken from electrical cells which compose the supervised electrical station. There are distinguished the component elements of the monitoring system: Local data acquisition equipments (LDAqE), Local data acquisition equipments synchronization subsystem, Data communication subsystem, Processing, storing and data displaying subsystem and the software for data processing at the dispatcher level and also at the local data acquisition equipment level. Keywords: Data transmission, Energy system management, Measurements, Transducers, Daq, Dispatcher 1. Introduction When it is analyzed the efficiency of a production process there appears the problem of the consumption of the electrical energy which represents a vital source for each factory. A sustained activity for maintaining the internal electrical energy consumptions at reduced levels explains the worries of many managers regarding the way in which the electrical energy is consumed inside the factory they run. The measures taken into consideration included the implementation of a monitoring and control system of the energetic installation, with the purpose of automat supervision of the electrical energy consumed capable to issue the necessary information for the reduction of the energy and installation s automation costs. The monitoring system for the electrical parameters is designed to go on two main directions: The acquisition of the characteristic parameters of the electrical station (voltages, currents, powers, auxiliary contacts of the switching elements), processing these parameters and sending them to a superior level (dispatcher) through a physical data transmission

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 119 medium. The taken signals are used for permanent monitoring of the functioning of the electrical distribution station. Synchronous acquisition, on a determined period of time, of a set of characteristic parameters of the transient regime when an error occurs in the monitored electrical station. The set of data stored during the error period is then sent to a computer where the interpretation of data is done by the help of a dedicated program. 2. The architecture of the monitoring System To accomplish the two main directions, there was designed a complex data acquisition, data sending and receiving system [5], [7], [8], which has the block diagram presented in Fig.1. The system functions must provide: permanent and real time visualization of the characteristic measures for the electrical station (currents, voltages, powers, energy, power factors, auxiliary contacts); visual and sound alarm in case of outrunning pre-established range for any of the monitored measures; visual and sound alarm in case any equipment faults (fails of communication lines, fails of data collecting equipments, etc.); recording information into a database (dispatcher), assuring the possibility to process data on the network server computer or on any workstation connected to the network; graphical display of the measures taken from the process, on time periods defined by the users; printing of consumption diagrams and specific diagrams on time periods defined by the user; interconnection into a computer network; data transfer to a central dispatcher. 2.1 Processing, storing and data displaying subsystem This subsystem is composed of an IBM PC compatible computer and the corresponding software which allows storing, processing, displaying and printing data taken from a maximum number of 255 local data acquisition equipments (LDAqE) from electrical cells. This computer can be integrated in a LAN at the dispatcher level, allowing data access to authorized users. 2.2 Data communication subsystem This subsystem is composed of equipments for connecting to the optical fiber environment (equipment at the dispatcher s level and equipment for each of the electrical cell from the perimeter of the supervised station) which assure communication at high speed and high security between the data processing subsystem and the local data acquisition equipments. The proposed subsystem is immune to the electromagnetic interferences and assures optimal galvanic isolation between the acquisition equipments and the equipments form the dispatcher.

120 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC Electrical Electrical Electrical 24-DI 8-AI 24-DI 8-AI 24-DI 8-AI LDAqE GPS LDAqE GPS LDAqE GPS O.F. Connection O.F. Connection O.F. Connection Equipment Equipment Equipment OF D C i i UPS Dedicated I/O module L l t k (LAN) DISPATCHER (OPTIONAL) Phone modem Network A3 printer Workstation n Workstation 1 A3 printer Fig. 1. The block diagram of the monitoring system A4 printer 2.2 Local data acquisition equipments synchronization subsystem This subsystem is composed of dedicated equipments at the level of each electrical cell and assures the synchronization of all the local data acquisition equipments from the respective electrical station after the universal time taken by the means of a local antenna and the GPS modules from the satellites. By mounting these equipments there is assured the synchronous data take over at the level of each cell from the respective electrical house, and also at the level of the electrical station. This fact is extremely useful for the analysis of the acquisitioned data, allowing the user to supervise the propagation of a flaw at the station level and also at the level of the electrical distribution system. 3. Data processing software At the dispatcher s computer [8] level there is implemented a program which can assure the supervision of the functioning of all cells from an electrical distribution station and which can take over, process and display data regarding a flaw, from any of the local data acquisition equipments mounted in the supervised electrical station. The program offers the user many windows, depending on the desired information to be visualized, and which will be presented in the following: When the program runs on the computer s display, there appears a window, presented in Fig.2, that displays the electrical scheme with the corresponding state (on-off) of the switching elements (switches, connection to ground separators, etc.). This window displays the values of the currents, voltages and powers corresponding to each supply or

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 121 output line from the station. So for the electrical supply lines LEA1 and LEA2 there are displayed the values for the supply voltage (at the level of the measurement transformer from the respective line), of the current and of the instantaneous power consumed on the side of the cells leaving the station. At the level of each cell there are displayed the instantaneous values of the current and of the power consumed on the respective leaving line, and the value of the supply voltage is displayed at the level of the measuring voltage cell for each group of line cells. To each switch of each line cell there is a button C1 C7. When a mouse click is done on any of the C1 C7 buttons on the screen there will automatically appear a new window, presented in Fig.3, which describes the selected cell with all the signals taken from the local data acquisition equipment mounted in this cell. There are presented all three supply lines L1, L2, L3 from the respective electrical cell, with the three-phased separator Q1.2, the supply switcher of the respective line Q0.2, and the connect to ground separator Q8.2, in which all are in on state represented by the blue color of the mobile contacts. Another group of information taken from local data acquisition equipment is presented in the screen s right side like rectangular LEDs which describe the state of the contacts taken through digital inputs. On the screen there are displayed all of the energetic values: in the superior region, next to the supply lines, there is displayed information regarding the supply voltages of the respective cell, in the left side there is displayed the information regarding the powers and values for the active energy Wp and for the reactive energy Wq consumed on that line until that moment, and continuously there is displayed the value of the frequency for the supply voltage on the respective line. To the right there are 2 buttons: STATIE and CONFIGURARE. Fig. 2. The electrical scheme of the monitored station

122 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC Fig. 3. The scheme corresponding to CELULA 2 Pressing the STATIE button we return to the first data displaying window and by pressing the button Fig. 4. Window for input domains state: voltage and current CONFIGURARE we access the domain configuration window, presented in Fig. 4

REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 123 4. Diagrams obtained experimentally using local data acquisition equipment LDAqE In Fig.5. there are shown the diagrams obtained for the case in which a flaw of shortcircuit type occurs on the supply line, [3]: current on phase rises 40 times over the nominal value; voltages on each phase lower by 20%; the time in which the protection starts is approximate 80 ms compared to the moment of the occurrence of the flaw. Fig. 6. The mixed voltages and currents evolution on three phases for the case in which a flaw of short-circuit type occurs on the supply line Fig. 5. The voltages and currents evolution on three phases for the

124 REVISTA ROMÂN DE AUTOMATIC 5. Conclusion The local equipment for energetic data acquisition (LDAqE) is a component element of a complex supervision system for the electrical energetic flow which is implemented in an electrical station from Craiova. The system offers the possibility of permanent monitoring of the electrical measures, energetic consumptions on the supply lines, total station and also flaws monitoring. Through the possibilities that it offers, the system can work interconnected with other monitoring systems and also with other computational systems in the network, allowing this way access to information, at different decisional levels. References 1. Areny R.P., Webster J.G. Sensors and Signal Conditionin,. Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 1991. 2. Dobriceanu M., Bitoleanu Alex., S ceanu V.; Data Acquisition System for Energy Analysis in Tri-Phased AC Motor Drives, 11th National Conference on Electric Drives - CNAE, Gala i, 10-12 October, 2002, pp. 142-145. 3. Dobriceanu M., Bitoleanu A., Popescu M.; Practical Aspects Concerning the Monitoring of the Machines Drives in Industrial Processe,. 12 th International Symposium on Power Electronics Ee 2003, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro, November 5-7, 2003, pp. 49. 4. Dobriceanu M., Bitoleanu Alex., Popescu M., Linc M.; The usage a programmable logic controller (PLC) for the control of great capacity excavators from carbon exploitations; 11-th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE PEMC 2004, 2-4 September 2004, Riga, LATVIA, page 54. 5. Dobriceanu M., Introduction in Virtual Instrumentation and LabVIEW (Ro), Ed. Universitaria Craiova, 2005. pp. 218. 6. Pop E., Leba M., Microcontrollers and PLCs (Ro), Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucure ti, 2003. AR934-19.doc


ROMANIAN ACADEMY, and The Commission of Economic Cybernetics of Romanian Academy ebsn THE EUROPEAN e-business SUPORT NETWORK, AGENTIA NATIONALA PENTRU PROGRAME COMUNITARE IN DOMENIUL EDUCATIEI SI FORMARII PROFESIONALE. PROGRAMUL LEONARDO da VINCI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF ROMANIA AND BUCHAREST MUNICIPALITY, INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTERS TECHNIQUES ITC BUCHAREST Faculty of Electronics and IT&C Technology of UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA Bucharest Faculty of Automation Engineering & Computers of UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA Bucharest Faculty of Finances and Banks of THE ECOLOGY UNIVERSITY Bucharest Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy. Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Giurgiu, and many initiatives and projects such as: Training of the Trainers, IDEAL-IST, CORA, RoDI-IST-NET PROJECTS BROKERAGES, emarine, eemployment and others Creation of Consortia and BROKERAGE Event for the European Commission Financed Projects and for other Research Projects Encouraged also by ANISP- National Soc. of the Internet Service Providers, Romania, Sponsors: MICROSOFT, Romania, PROPOSED ORGANIZING COMMITTEE HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIR: HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIR: Florian UDRESCU, Principal Research Scientist, Ion Gh. ROSCA, Univ. Prof. Dr, RECTOR of ASE, General Manager, IPA SA, Research Institute The Academy of Economic Studies HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Florin FILIP, Vice-President of Romanian Academy Rosalie ZOBEL, Ph.D Director of the IST Programme. European Commission Costas ANDROPOULOS, Head of Unit, European Commission Mihai CARAMIHAI, First Research Scientist, Hon. Professor, Ph.D., POLITEHNICA University Bucharest Doina BANCIU, Univ.Prof. Dr, ICI and University Bucharest, Iordana ELEPHTERIADOU Principal Administrator, Coordinator of the ebsn network, EU Commission Silviu HOTARAN, Manager, Microsoft East Europa Iulia MIHAIL, Director, MED-ANCS, Romania CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Constanta-Nicoleta BODEA, Univ.Prof. Dr. Director for Research, ASE University, Bucharest CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Paul TIMMERS, Director of the IST Programme: einclusion, European Commission CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Luk van den BERGHE CEN / ISSS, Brussels HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Ion STANCU, Univ. Prof. Dr, PRO-RECTOR of ASE Josef GRICAR, Univ. Professor and Director, Universiy of Maribor, Slovenia Stephan PASCALL, Advisor, European Commission Ion DUMITRACHE, Univ.Prof. Dr. POLITEHNICA University Bucharest Dumitru MIRON, University Prof.. Dr., ASE, Academy of Economic Studies Francesco NACHIRA, European Commission Iordan PETRESCU, Univ. Prof. Dr. UCB- Bucharest Doina CARP, Prorector Maritime University Constanta CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Camelia CAMASOIU, Univ.Prof. Dr. Prorector of the UE-B University, Bucharest CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Silviu HOTARAN, General Manager Microsoft Romania CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Ciprian ALEXANDRU Teaching Staff, Head of the elearning Dept., UE-B, Bucharets

CONFERENCE CO- FOUNDER AND VICE-CHAIR Mariana BISTRAN, Principal Research Scientist IPA SA, Bucharest CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Radu DOBRESCU, Univ.Prof. Dr. Eng. POLITEHNICA University Bucharest CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Joan Rodon Mòdol, ESADE, Spain CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Andreea OLTEANU Projects Expert, Leonardo da Vinci Programme CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Bogdan GHILIC, Univ.Prof. Dr. ASE, Bucharest CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Dan Alexandru STOICHESCU Univ. Professor Dr. Eng., Politehnica Univesity Bucharest CONFERENCE VICE_CHAIR Camelia DOGARU, IT activity coordinator, ISTC delegate SCIENTIFIC CHAIR Gabriel VLADUT, Principal Research Scientist, SC IPA SA CONFERENCE CO-CHAIR Alexandru EPÂNGEAC, Pressident CCIAGR Giurgiu ORGANIZATORIC CHAIR Sorin BABAN SC IPA SA CONFERENCE FOUNDER and CHAIR: Gheorghe Mincu SANDULESCU, University Professor Dr., First Research Scientist, Member Corresp. of the European Academy of Sciences, CONFERENCE FOUNDER and CHAIR: Radu STROE, University Professor Dr., Academy of Economic Studies, President of the Commission for Economic Cybernetics of Romanian Academy CONFERENCE GOALS To provide a forum for the presentation, discussion and generation of new and favourable ideas in the fields of the latest viable, practical and scientific developments in e-activities: e-business, e-learning, and also e-commerce, Mobile e-commerce / Mobile e-business / Mobile e-banking / e-europe, e-payments, e-procurement, e-marketplaces, New Working Environment, e-banking / Telebanking, e-administration, On-Line Services, elearning, Mobile e-learning, e-work, e- Inclusion e-health, e-government, Applications of the Broad Band Communications, Virtual Institutes and Standardization in the e-fields. To contribute at the e-learning development and promotion including through the session: THE e-learning PRACTICING IN THE VOCATIONAL E&T, under the coordination of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. To achieve BROKERAGES for project proposals/ consortia: IDEALIST, CORA and RoDI - IST Net and others. To contribute to the e-europe and to e-europe+ programs and to make effective scientific connections in the e-fields through e-world. To encourage the Training of the Trainers; to encourage the training of the learners. To contribute to the improvement of the economic and business environment through e-activities. emarine Section.

Conference Language The official language of the event is English. Training, learning and presentations within parallel Workshops will be achieved in Romanian Language. Conference Location The conference will be held in Bucharest, the city that was mentioned for the first time in the year 1459, in the official papers of Vlad Tepes Voivode (named also Dracula) and where the very important, country Voivode (Voievod ) Dracula, was referred to as an efficient trade developer, a good commerce man and an interesting commercial rules analyst. Bucharest is at half distance between the Carpathians and the Black Sea, and offers splendid sightseeing opportunities and climate. September is one of the most pleasant and beautiful month of the year in Bucharest. Conference Venue ASE - Academy of Economic Studies, BUCHAREST, Piata Romana 6, AULA MAGNA in the Big Historic Hall (an architectural patrimony and masterpiece) and "Madgearu" Hall. Registration Desk at the entry of AULA MAGNA Hall. Important aspects and dates: Submission of Papers: deadline 1 September 2007 All received in due time and accepted papers will be automatically edited, in the preprints, without any obligations from the part of the Conference organizers, Papers should be sent by e-mail to: and, in the attention of Director, Principal Scientist and Scientific Chair Gabriel Vladut and of the Preprints coordinator Monica Visu. Conference Proceedings: The Conference Proceedings will include the accepted papers, maximum 8 pages (A4) per each paper. Here (ctrl+click to follow the hyperlink) you can find the model for presentations Registration fee * Registration: Euro 200 (free registration for students and teachers, based on relevant documents/ student card. Other discounts and free registration possibilities). Transport to Bucharest and accommodation are not included in the conference fee. The fee (referring only to paid registration), includes the possibilities of participation at the all sections and at scientific and at three social activities of the Conference, the bag with preprints and possibly annexes, refreshments and entry at about 3 Meetings Cocktails. Notes: 1.The firms symbols and names, for instance Microsoft, are object of registration of the respective firms or entities. 2. The words combination: E_COMM_LINE_200 is object of registration of IPA SA & ASE Bucharest, 3. The presentation of the symbols of EU Commission, ebsn, Leonardo da Vinci Programme do not imply any obligations from the part of these entities, nor does involve any responsibility on their part. 4.The indicated projects, presented in this leaflet, are achieved with the support from the European Commission. 5. The content of cited projects, or of materials, or of this leaflet does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or of the National Agency Leonardo da Vinci, nor does involve any responsibility on their part. Edited and printed by IPA SA PUBLISHING HOUSE of IPA SA Bucharest

Preliminary Leaflet ACADEMIA ROMÂN Encouraged by: The European Commission EUROPEAN CONFERENCE on APPLICATION, INTEGRATION, CONTROL, MODELLING, TESTING, and INTELLIGENT CONTROL and INTELLIGENT MODELLING, OF FUEL CELLS and H2 APPLICATIONS and THEIRS ECONOMIC / ENVIRONMENT CONSEQUENCES: H2_FUEL_CELLS_ MILLENIUM _ CONVERGENCE September 21, 22, 2007, Bucharest, ROMANIA, ACADEMIA ROMÂN, AULA MAGNA, calea Victoriei 125 ACADEMIA ROMÂN, and IPA SA, Bucharest. Founded, or organized or encouraged, or in part supported by ROMANIAN HFP IPA SA ACADEMY EUROPEN HYDROGEN RESEARCH ENTITY & FC PLATFORM Calea Victoriei 125, Bucharest Calea Floreasca 169, Bucharest supported by MED-ANCS MINISTRY OF EDUCATION and RESEARCH, ROMANIA achieved also with the participation of the EUROPEAN HYDROGEN ASSOCIATION. The Institute for Energy Research - Fuel Cells, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, ASE ICI ACADEMY for ECONOMIC STUDIES NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR R&D IN INFORMATICS POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY ECOLOGY UNIVERSITY UPB UE-B ICPE, Research Institute ICSI Research Institute, Bucharest Râmnicu Vâlcea and with the encouragements and participation of: ROMANIAN ACADEMY, HFP European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platorm, Europe, MED-ANCS, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION and RESEARCH, ROMANIA, EUROPEAN HYDROGEN ASSOCIATION The Institute for Energy Research - Fuel Cells, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany,

IPA SA, Bucharest, ICSI, Râmnicu Vâlcea, and Hyrogen Platform from ICSI Râmnicu Vâlcea, ICPE, Bucharest, ICEMENERG, Bucharest, PlugPower, USA, ICI, Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics and IT&C Technology of UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Faculty of Energy of of UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Faculty of Automation Engineering & Computers of UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Ecology University Bucharest, University Ovidiu Constanta, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Giurgiu, and many initiatives and projects, and Creation of Consortia and Projects BROKERAGES. PROPOSED ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: FIRST HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIRS Detlef STOLTEN Florin FILIP Florian UDRESCU Univ. Prof. Dr., Vice-President of Romanian Academy, Principal Scientist, General Manager IPA SA Director of the Institute for Energy Research-Fuel Cells. Marieke REIJALT John F. ELTER, Executive Director, European Hydrogen Association PhD, CTO, PlugPower, USA Forschungszentrum Julich. HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Gleb DR GAN Academician, Romanian Academy Wolfgang WINKLER, University Professor Dr., Hamburg University, Germany Crisitian PREDESCU, Univ. Prof. Dr. Ing., Politehnica University Bucharest Rosalie ZOBEL, Ph.D Director of the IST Programme. European Commission Mihai CARAMIHAI, First Research Scientist, Univ. Professor Dr. Ing., POLITEHNICA University Bucharest Ulrich SCHMIDTCHEN German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) Silviu Dorian CHELARU, IPA SA, Electrolyzers Trends Paul PENCIOIU, Principal Research Scientist, Scientific Director of ICPE, Dan Alexandru STOICHESCU Univ. Professor Dr., UPB, Bucharest Eden MAMUT, Univ. Prof. Dr., Ovidiu University Constan a Dan TEODOREANU, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist, ICPE, Bucharest, Mariana ILIESCU Principal Research Scientist, ICSI Râmnicu Vâlcea, Iulia MIHAIL, Director, MED-ANCS, Romania HONORIFIC CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Ecaterina ANDRONESCU Univ. Prof. Dr. Ing. UPB Bucharest Ion Gh. ROSCA, Univ. Prof. Dr, RECTOR of ASE, Bucharest Anton ANTON, University Professor Dr. Eng., MED-ANCS, Romania Stephan PASCALL Adviser, European Commission Mircea DU U Univ. Prof. Dr, RECTOR of UE-B, Bucharest, Dumitru MIRON, University Prof.. Dr., ASE, Academy of Economic Studies Ioan TEF NESCU University Professor Dr. Director of ICSI Râmnicu Vâlcea Mariana BISTRAN Principal Resrearch Scientist, IPA SA Vasile STANCIU, Ph. D., Principal Research Scientist, ICSI Râmnicu Vâlcea Dr. -Ing. Rolf BLATTNER, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Peter LOFFLER EU Commission, IEEA Camelia CAMA OIU Univ. Professor Dr., Prorector of UE-B Radu DOBRESCU, Univ.Prof. Dr. Eng. POLITEHNICA University Bucharest Ciprian ALEXANDRU Teaching Staff, UE-B, Bucharest SCIENTIFIC CHAIR Gabriel VLADUT, Principal Research Scientist, SC IPA SA CONFERENCE FOUNDER and CHAIR: Gheorghe Mincu SANDULESCU, University Prof. Dr. Eng., First Research Scientist, IPA SA, Bucharest, Member Corresp. of the European Academy of Sciences, ORGANIZATORIC CHAIR Sorin BABAN, SC IPA SA CONFERENCE FOUNDER and CHAIR: Florian FILIP, Vice-president ROMANIAN ACADEMY

CONFERENCE GOALS To provide a forum for the presentation, discussion, dissemination and generation of new and favourable ideas in the fields of the APPLICATION, INTEGRATION, CONTROL, MODELLING, TESTING and INTELLIGENT CONTROL and INTELLIGENT MODELLING OF THE FUEL CELLS AND OF THE H2 APPLICATIONS. To add steps in advance in the fields of hydrogen and fuel cells researches, studies, developments and successfully integration, To add scientific contributions in the speeding the accomplishemnt of successes in above, very important scientific and technical fields To contribute at the European sustainable growing of the fuel cells and H2 applications and developments, To encourage European Research, especially inside the frames of the European Commission, in the fields of the APPLICATION, INTEGRATION, CONTROL, MODELLING, TESTING and INTELLLIGENT CONTROL and INTELLIGENT MODELLING OF FUEL CELLS. To contribute at the generation of the efficient consortia and proposals of projects, in the Conference s fields. To contribute at ERA activities and results in the Fuel cells applications and developments. To add contributions ant the speeding of the implementation of the Hydrogen Economy. To add important influences at the dissemination, awareness creation and correct information of and responses from the stackholdrers and end-users. Conference Language The official language of the event is English. Conference Location The conference will be held in Bucharest, the city that was mentioned, in the year 1459, in the official papers of Vlad Tepes Voivode (named also Dracula) and where the very important, country Voivode (Voievod ) Dracula, was referred to as an efficient trade developer, a good commerce man and an interesting commercial rules analyst. Bucharest is at half distance between the Carpathians and the Black Sea, and offers splendid sightseeing opportunities and climate. September is one of the most pleasant and beautiful month of the year in Bucharest. Conference Venue Academia Roman, AULA MAGNA, calea Victoriei 125, Bucharest. Registration Desk at the entry of AULA MAGNA Hall. Important aspects and dates: Submission of Papers: dead - line 1 September 2007

All received in due time and accepted papers will be automatically typed, in the preprints, without any obligations from the part of the Conference organizers, Papers should be sent by e-mail to: Head: Monica Visu. Conference Proceedings: The Conference Proceedings will include, without any obligations from the organizers part, and without other information to the elaborators of papers, the accepted papers. Each paper is necessary to not surpass 10 pages (A4). Registration fee * Registration: Euro 200 (free registration for students and teachers, based on relevant documents/ student card). Transport to Bucharest and accommodation are not included in the conference fee., The fee (referring only to paid registration), includes the possibilities of participation at the all sections and at scientific and at the social activities of the Conference, the bag with preprints and possible annexes, refreshments and entry at Meetings Cocktails. Preliminary Leaflet _ CONVERGENCE Notes: 1.The firms symbols and names, for instance Microsoft, are object of registration of the respective firms or entities. 2. The words combination: H2_FUEL_CELLS_MILENIUM _CONVERGENCE is object of registration of IPA SA Bucharest and of Romanian Academy. 3. The presentation of the symbols of EU Commission do not imply any obligations from the part of these entities, nor does involve any responsibility on their part. 4.The indicated projects, presented in this leaflet, are achieved with the support from the European Commission or of MEdC Romania. 5. The content of cited projects, or of materials, or of this leaflet does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does involve any responsibility on their part, nor from the organisators part, nor from other part or entity.. Edited and printed by IPA SA PUBLISHING HOUSE of IPA SA Bucharest

13 th International Symposium on Modeling, Simulation and System's Identification September 21-22, 2007 Gala i, ROMANIA Please type or write in block letters Author s name: The paper s title: Choose topics: Affiliation: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Please return this form to the address on the reverse side. LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE E. Ceang (Chairman), S. Bumbaru (Co- Chairman), V. Mînzu, V. Dugan, S. Caraman, A. Filipescu, Gh. Pu ca u, L. Frangu, D. Aiordachioaie, D. Cernega, E. Ro u, I. Bivol, L. Dumitriu, C. Segal, N. M r escu ( Dun rea de Jos Univ. of Gala i) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE: R. de Keyser (University of Gent Belgium), H. Peremans (Antwerp University - Belgium), A. Dolgui (École des Mines de Saint-Étienne - France), J.-M. Henrioud (Université de Franche Comté Besançon, France), Y. Boutalis (University of Xanthi - Greece), I. Dumitrache, T. Ionescu, R. Dobrescu, D. Popescu, D. I. Cârstoiu ( Politehnica University of Bucharest), V. R svan, C. Marin, M. Vân toru (University of Craiova), T. L. Dragomir, t. Preitl, R. E. Precup (Technical University of Timi oara), M. Voicu, Th. Ganciu, C. Laz r ( Gh. Asachi Technical University of Ia i), Gh. Lazea, T. Colo i, C. Fe til, M. Abrudean (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), N. Paraschiv (Gas-Oil University of Ploie ti), I. M rgineanu ( Transilvania University of Bra ov), F. Gh. Filip, Th. Popescu, V. Sima (Informatic Research Institute Bucharest), M. Arhip (Automatic Control Design Institute-Bucharest) SYMPOSIUM SECRETARIAT: SIMSIS 13 2007 Secretariat Dun rea de Jos University of Gala i, Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Informatics 111 Domneasc Street, 800201-Galati, ROMANIA Phone/Fax: +40 236 460182; +40 236 461353 Organizing secretaries: L. Dumitriu, M. Vlase; DUN REA DE JOS UNIVERSITY OF GALA I SRAIT-GALA I BRANCH FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL FOR PAPERS SIMSIS-13 13 th International Symposium on Modeling, Simulation and System's Identification organized by: - Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Informatics - Dept. of Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics - Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2007 GALA I, ROMANIA Control and Informatics (SRAIT) The Romanian Society of Automatic SPONSORS:

PURPOSE SIMSIS-13 attempts to enable a useful exchange of information among researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners in automatic control. The field of interest approached covers both theoretical viewpoints and experimental achievements in all areas of modeling, identification and control. The long and well-established tradition of the Symposium makes us believe that the scientific debate between Industrial and University Researchers will generate new fruitful ideas while tightening the cooperation among the participants. TOPICS 1. modeling and simulation 2. discrete events processes 3. qualitative modeling and semiotics 4. estimation and identification 5. adaptive and optimal control 6. robust and predictive control 7. modeling and control of biotechnological processes 8. pattern-recognition 9. neural networks 10. fuzzy logic control 11. intelligent hybrid systems 12. knowledge-based systems 13. knowledge acquisition and data mining 14. agent based modeling and multi-agent systems 15. intelligent learning environments 16. intelligent data bases 17. man-machine interfaces 18. diagnosis and reliability 19. industrial control applications IMPORTANT DATES Submission of full papers: Notification 15.04.2007 of authors about acceptance: 01.06.2007 Camera-ready form submission of full-papers: 01.07.2007 Final program announcement: 01.09.2007 Proceedings available to Symposium Participants: 21.09.2007 Language: English will be the official language throughout the Symposium. Guidelines for Submission: the full papers should be submitted in English, by e-mail. The paper should include the paper s title, the topics, authors, affiliation, address, phone number, fax number, a maximum of seven keywords and e-mail address of the corresponding author. It should provide a clear and concise view of the subject from the approached topics, include a list of references and the authors original contributions. The Scientific Program Committee will decide on whether the submission is accepted or rejected. Two copies of the accepted full paper, written in accordance with IFAC instructions, will be submitted by 01.07.2007. For more information please contact the Conference Secretariat. Current information on the SIMSIS -13 will be available at: Registration fee: 25 Euro (SRAIT members benefit from 50% discount). SIMSIS-13 Secretariat L. Dumitriu Dun rea de Jos University of Gala i 111, Domneasc Street, 800201-Gala i ROMANIA

Abstract Romania Romania Cristian Dorian Nichita Margareta Nicolau Alan Squirrell Romania The Netherlands Vera Stoianovici Doina Stefan Conference Secretariat: Cristina Vlad Nicoleta Vlad Doru Puscasu Alice Pop Mihai Rohan Cristina Dumitrescu Mariana Coarna Margareta Toader Liliana Radu Maria Ioan President - Graziela Guslicov Steering committee Emilia Visileanu Adriaan van der Veen USA Australia Doru Pu ca u Dan Tholen Romania Romania Hariton George Predescu Bulgaria Russia Konstantin I. Popov Nedyalko Popov Norway Harald A. Öye Japan Romania Ion Morjan Mamoru Nomura Romania Andrei Marinescu Israel Sweden Daniel Mandler Romania Fanel Iacobescu United Kingdom Bertil Magnusson Austria Romania Emil Buzdugan Ales Fajgelj Romania Florin D. Buzatu John Gilbert Belgium Paul De Bièvre Italy Romania Elke Anklam Romania Grigore Albeanu Ecaterina Andronescu International Advisory Committee The CEEX Programme With the support of: Organised by: Sinaia, România 11 13th October, 2007 th The First Announcement Call for Papers 1st PT-CONF The First International Proficiency Testing Conference

Introduction The Conference is dedicated to the specialists from the analysis and testing laboratories in many fields (aggregates, chemistry, construction materials, electrical engineering, environmental, food and feed, mechanics, metallurgy, microbiology, petrochemistry, physics of lasers, plasma and radiation, plastics, soils, textiles and so on). It is an opportunity to promote discussions and an exchange of opinions between interested parties (institutes of higher education, research institutes, testing laboratories, accreditation and standardisation bodies, national authorities, manufacturers, end users of products and services). The Conference represents an important meeting for those who are interested to share and disseminate their experience, knowledge and innovative ideas. Themes * Proficiency testing schemes (PTS) * Reference materials (RM) * Validation of testing methods (VTM) * Uncertainty of measurement (UM) * Metrology and traceability (MT) * Standardisation (St) * Research, development and education in the laboratory activity (RDE) * Accreditation, Quality management in testing laboratories (AQM) * Conformity assessment (CA) Venue The Conference will be held from 11 th to 13 th October, 2007 in Sinaia at The International Convention Centre (The Sinaia Casino, The town of Sinaia is situated in an awe-inspiring mountainous region at the foothills of the Bucegi Mountains, along the Prahova Valley, being one of the oldest and famous Romanian resort, also known as the Pearl of the Carpathians. The Sinaia Casino was inaugurated in 1913 as a replica of Monte Carlo s Casino and its architectural elements are breathing an aristrocratic air which is still overflowing over the whole resort. Exhibition Organisations and companies are invited to present their products and services. Fees Registered Early registration- Before 1 st July, 2007 Late registration- After 1 st July, 2007 Participant 250 Euro 275 Euro Accompanying person 110 Euro 125 Euro Key dates Call for papers July, 2006 Deadline for submission of abstracts Pre-registration for the Conference 30 th September, 2006 Notification of abstract acceptance Pre-registration for the Exhibition 30 th November, 2006 Deadline for submission of the full length paper 31 st March, 2007 Deadline for submission of final manuscripts Registration for the Conference Registration for the Exhibition 30 th June, 2007 Call for your participation The Steering Committee invites you to prepare and to submit abstracts of original papers, dealing with conference themes. Please use on-line form or the e-mail to forward a title and a maximum 300 word abstract to the Conference Secretariat up to 30 th September 2006. Abstracts should be written in English and should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be presented. The final manuscript should be written in English or in Romanian. Contact address 1 st International Proficiency Testing Conference PT-CONF 2007 CEPROCIM S.A., #6 Preciziei Blvd., sector 6, code 062203, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Tel: +40 21 318.88.93; Fax: +40 21 318.88.94 Web page: E-mail: Pre-registration form First Name Family Name Title: Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms Affiliation Position Address E-mail Phone Fax. I intend to present: an oral contribution. a poster contribution.. I intend to participate as a delegate only. I am interested in exhibiting opportunities Theme (s) Paper title (*) (*) The abstract (max. 300 words) and the preregistration form will be sent to the Conference Secretariat no later than 30 th September 2006.

Dear colleague, We are pleased to inform you that University of Craiova and IPA CIFATT are organizing: The International Symposium SINTES 13 during 18-20 October 2007, at the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Craiova, Romania. We kindly invite you to submit and present your latest research work and results in the symposium topics. Dean of the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Popescu, Director of IPA CIFATT Eng. Gabriel Vladut. Main topics: - - - Automation and Robotics Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Instrumentation Important Dates: - 01.07.2007: - - - Paper draft (6 pages, pdf format) submission by e-mail to: 01.08.2007: 01.09.2007: Notification of acceptance Camera - ready paper and payment confirmation 18-20.10.2007: Symposium Registration fee: - Romanian participants: - - - Regular 200 LEI SRAIT members and students: 100 LEI Foreign participants: - Regular 100 EURO - Students 50 EURO Registration fee includes: - - - Proceedings CD-ROM Proceedings book Coffee breaks and welcome reception Notes: - Papers must be original and previously unpublished - The maximum number of pages / paper is 6 and the maximum number of papers / author or co-author is 2 - Additional information languages of the Symposium - English and French are the working - - - - Web: Tel : (40) 0251-438198 Fax : (40) 0251-438198 E-mail: Printed by Universitaria Printing House, University of Craiova, Romania UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, FACULTY OF AUTOMATION, COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IPA CIFATT CRAIOVA INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING IN AUTOMATION SRAIT ROMANIAN SOCIETY FOR AUTOMATION AND TECHNICAL INFORMATICS IEEE ROMANIAN SECTION SINTES 13 THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYSTEMS THEORY, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS, SYSTEMS THEORY, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS, COMPUTERS, INFORMATICS, ELECTRONICS COMPUTERS, INFORMATICS, ELECTRONICS and INSTRUMENTATION 18-20 OCTOBER 2007 CRAIOVA, ROMANIA

Committees m t e International Program Committee Chairman: Mircea Ivanescu (RO) Mihai Abrudean (RO) Rogelio Lozano (FR) Tihamer Adam (HU) Anca Manuela Manolescu (RO) Nicolae Alexandrescu (RO) Constantin Marin (RO) Steve Banks (UK) Sabine Mondie (MX) Vladimir Bobal (CZ) Sergiu Nedevschi (RO) Mircea Bodea (RO) Elena Niculescu (RO) Theodor Borangiu (RO) Silviu-Iulian Niculescu (FR) Emil Ceanga (RO) Emil Nikolov (BG) Tiberiu Colosi (RO) Doru Panescu (RO) Vladimir Cretu (RO) Marcin Paprzycki (USA) Valentin Cristea (RO) Octavian Pastravanu (RO) Alex Doboli (USA) Mircea Petrescu (RO) Radu Dobrescu (RO) Dumitru Popescu (RO) Toma-Leonida Dragomir (RO) Radu-Emil Precup (RO) Ioan Dumitrache (RO) Stefan Preitl (RO) Silviu Dumitriu (RO) Octavian Prostean (RO) Clement Festila (RO) Constantin Radoi (RO) Gerhard Freiling (DE) Vladimir Rasvan (RO) Dan Galea (RO) Bogdan Sapinski (PL) Maria Ganzha (PL) Lubomir Smutny (CZ) Ileana Hamburg (DE) Nicolae Tapus (RO) Stefan Holban (RO) Gheorghe Toacse (RO) Ionel Jian (RO) Alexandru Valachi (RO) Ioan Jurca (RO) Carlos Valderrama (BE) Karol Kostur (SK) Matei Vinatoru (RO) Corneliu Lazar (RO) Lucian Vintan (RO) Vasile Lazarescu (RO) Mihail Voicu (RO) Gheorghe Lazea (RO) Miomir Vucobratovic (YU) Alfred-Ioan Letia (RO) Philippe Trigano (FR) Local Organizing Committee Chairman: Dan Popescu (RO) Costin Badica (RO) Mircea Nitulescu (RO) Eugen Bobasu (RO) Emil Petre (RO) Dorian Cojocaru (RO) Dorin Popescu (RO) Milena Doicaru (RO) Gabriel Vladut (RO) Marin Lungu (RO) Topics Automation and Robotics Linear and Non-linear Control System Design System Identification and Modelling of Processes Robust and Adaptive Control Robotics and Intelligent Control Applications and Case Studies in Automation and Robotics Computer Science and Engineering Distributed Systems and Software Engineering Databases, Systems of Programs and Expert Systems Web services, Internet Security Software Tools and Methods Advanced Computer Architectures Electronics and Instrumentation Linear and Non-linear Circuits and Systems Signal Processing and Communication Systems Modelling, Simulation and CAD Tools

TALON DE INSCRIERE Nume... Prenume... Profesia / Titlu Stiintific...... Institutia...... Adresa...... Telefon... Fax... E-mail... Doresc sa particip la simpozionul: MEDIUL SI INDUSTRIA Conferinta plenara sau pe sectiuni Comunicare stiintifica, pe sectiuni oral poster Prezentare firma, produse, aparatur, echipamente oral poster Expozitie produse, aparatur, echipamente Fara lucrare / poster Numar sectiune Titlul lucrarii INVITATIE Comitetul de organizare are placerea s va invite la Simpozionul International: MEDIUL SI INDUSTRIA în perioada 25-27 octombrie 2007 Manifestarea isi propune sa aduca impreuna comunitatea stiintifica, mediul economic si autoritatile de supraveghere pentru a dezbate aspecte tehnice de maxim interes si actualitate pentru protectia mediului. Simpozionul se constituie ca un prilej de contacte/parteneriate pentru realizarea unor proiecte comune in programe nationale si europene. SIMPOZION INTERNATIONAL MEDIUL SI INDUSTRIA Bucure ti 25 27 octombrie 2007 organizat sub patronajul: ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE - SEC IA TIIN E CHIMICE de catre: INSTITUTUL NA IONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE PENTRU ECOLOGIE INDUSTRIAL - INCD ECOIND SOCIETATEA DE CHIMIE DIN ROMÂNIA - COMISIA CHIMIA I INGINERIA MEDIULUI ASOCIATIA BALCANICA DE MEDIU FILIALA RO B.EN.A sub coordonarea: AUTORITATII NATIONALE PENTRU CERCETARE STIINTIFICA MINISTERULUI ECONOMIEI SI COMERTULUI MINISTERULUI MEDIULUI SI GOSPODARIRII APELOR CIRCULARA I

SECTIUNI I. TENDIN E ACTUALE ÎN DOMENIUL TEHNOLOGIILOR DE MEDIU (APE POTABILE, UZATE INDUSTRIALE SI MUNICIPALE) II. EVALUARE POLUARE, AUDIT DE MEDIU III. METODE I TEHNICI PERFORMANTE DE CONTROL I DE MONITORIZARE A POLU RII INDUSTRIALE IV. LEGISLA IE, MANAGEMENT DE MEDIU I CALITATE V. PREZENTARE FIRME I/SAU PRODUSE, APARATUR I ECHIPAMENTE ÎN DOMENIUL PROTEC IEI MEDIULUI WORKSHOP-URI SI MESE ROTUNDE PE TEME DEDICATE, ACTIUNI SPECIFICE TINERILOR PROGRAM Conferin e plenare sau pe sec iuni Comunic ri tiin ifice, pe sectiuni Postere Expozi ie de produse, aparatur, echipamente (3-6 mp/stand) COMITET ONORIFIC V. Em. Sahini - Academia Român Sorin Ro ca - Societatea de Chimie din România Fokion Vosniakos - B.EN.A Grecia Anton Anton - MEdC - ANCS Eugen Tapu Nazare - MEcC Sulfina Barbu - MMGA COMITET DE ORGANIZARE Margareta Nicolau - INCD ECOIND Aurelia Ballo - INCD ECOIND Sanda Dud - INCD ECOIND Monica Aurite - MEdC Cristiana Ion - MEcC COMITET STIINTIFIC Dan B lteanu Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române Gheorghi a Jinescu - UP Bucure ti Ligia Stoica - UP Bucure ti Eugen Pincovschi - UP Bucuresti Constantin Luca - UP Bucuresti Maria Jitaru - UBB Cluj Marin Sandu - UTC Bucuresti Corneliu Craiu - BIOTECHIM Romania Tudor Lupa cu - Republica Moldova Fokion Vosniakos - B.EN.A Grecia Caner Zanbak - TCMA Turcia Mykola Kartel - ISPE Ucraina Ludo Diels - VITO Belgia Peter Hlavinek - IMWM Cehia Karin Groen Groen QA Expert BV Olanda Stoyan Groudev - UMG Bulgaria Jean Louis Marty - Univ. Perpignan Franta Anna Ledin - IER Danemarca Norbert Kreuzinger - IWQRWM Austria Maria Concetta Tomei - IRSA del Roma Italia Aurelia Ballo - INCD ECOIND Cristiana Cosma - INCD ECOIND Marinela Petrescu - INCD ECOIND Elena Mih il - INCD ECOIND Elisabeta Pena Leonte - INCD ECOIND Maria Teodorescu - INCD ECOIND Irina Lucaciu- INCD ECOIND Liliana Cruceru- INCD ECOIND Elena Bucur- INCD ECOIND Virgil Criste- INCD ECOIND Ladislau Andres- INCD ECOIND TAXA DE PARTICIPARE Lucr ri (oral, poster) - 60 Euro/participant pana la 25.09.07; 80 Euro/participant dupa 25.09.07 Prezentare firme, produse, aparatur, echipamente (oral, poster) - 125 Euro/ participant pana la 25.09.07; 150 Euro/ participant dupa 25.09.07 Expozi ie produse, aparatur, echipamente - 75 Euro/m 2 pana la 25.09.07; 90 Euro/m 2 dupa 25.09.07 Taxele de participare includ mapa cu vol. de rezumate si lucrari in extenso, coffe break si cocktail INFORMATII UTILE Înscrierea la simpozionul MEDIUL I INDUSTRIA se face pe baza talonului de participare completat pentru fiecare participant. Participantii care doresc sa prezinte la Simpozion comunicari stiintifice (oral, poster) sunt rugati sa transmita un rezumat in limba engleza (max. 500 cuvinte) scris la un rând, document Word, font Arial 12 pct, fara diacritice; In rezumat se vor notifica numele si prenumele autorilor, precum si denumirea completa a unitatilor de care apartin. Taloanele de participare si rezumatele se vor transmite la: INCD ECOIND, Panduri 90 92, Bucuresti Fax: 004.021.410.05.75; 412.00.42 E-mail: pân la data de 30.04.2007. Detalii privind redactarea lucr rilor in extenso, precum i condi iile de organizare a expozi iei se vor transmite în circulara a II-a Informa ii suplimentare: Tel: 004.021.4100377/ 125 D-na Sanda Dud; Fax: 0040214100575; 004021412.00.42.

HERVEX 2007 CAMERA DE COMERT SI INDUSTRIE VALCEA 14-16 noiembrie CALIMANESTI-CACIULATA ROMANIA INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARI PENTRU HIDRAULICA SI PNEUMATICA Stimate Domnule Director General, UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI HERVEX 2007 S a l o nul national de hidraulic a s i p ne uma t i ca, sisteme d e etansare, me c a nic a fina, sc ule, d ispozitive si e c h i pame n t e e l e ct ro nice specifice, mecatronic a Ne face o deosebita placere sa va aducem la cunostinta ca Salonul National de Hidraulic, Pneumatic, Elemente de etansare, Mecanic Fin, Scule, Dispozitive si Echipamente Electronice Specifice, Mecatronic HERVEX a ajuns anul acesta la a XV-a editie. Manifestarea a reunit in fiecare an intregul spectru de specialisti din Romania implicati in problematica hidraulicii si pneumaticii. Sugestiile facute de participanti la editiile trecute au determinat organizatorii sa includa in programul editiei 2007 seminarii tematice, prezentari de produse, servicii specifice si demonstratii practice necesare personalului implicat in exploatarea si intretinerea echipamentelor complexe. Aceste activitati sunt gandite a fi discutii interactive moderate de reprezentanti ai unor firme de prestigiu ale domeniului, ai unor unitati de cercetare si ai unor unitati de invatamant superior, discutii prin care participantii sa acceada la cunostinte de ultima ora in legatura cu proiectarea si depanarea echipamentelor si sistemelor hidraulice si pneumatice. De asemenea, implicarea Asociatiei Profesionale Nationale de Hidraulica si Pneumatica din Romania - FLUIDAS, face posibila participarea unui numar de firme din uniunea Europeana prin aderarea acestei Asociatii la CETOP. Necesitatea deschiderii mediului de afaceri din Romania catre Europa si realizarea unor parteneriate intre firmele romanesti si cele din Uniunea Europeana face ca in acest an manifestarea sa prezinte un mare interes pentru participantii la reuniune. Incepand din acest an HERVEX devine si unul din Saloanele Cercetarii pentru regiunea 4 Valcea, acest lucru fiind sustinut de M.Ed.C A.N.C.S ce doreste stimularea conexiunilor dintre cercetare si economie. Avand in vedere interesul acordat de M.Ed.C. si necesitatea diseminarii rezultatelor obtinute in Institutele de Cercetare, din orice domeniu, consideram ca este o oportunitate participarea Institutului Dumneavoastra la acest Salon al Cercetarii Regional. Cu speranta ca veti considera HERVEX 2007 un bun prilej pentru specialistii dumneavoastra de a veni in contact cu posibili utilizatori ai rezultatelor cercetarii, va adresam invitatia de a participa la aceasta manifestare in perioada 14-16 noiembrie. Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa consultati paginile de internet, sau va puteti adresa Camerei de Comert si Industrie Valcea. Cu stima, Ing. Valentin CISMARU Presedinte Camera de Comert si Industrie Valcea Dr. Ing. Petrin DRUMEA Director Institutul de Cercetari pentru Hidraulica si Pneumatica Bucuresti Camera de Comert si Industrie Valcea str. Regina Maria nr. 7 240151 Ramnicu Valcea Romania E mail tel. +40 250 733449 fax +40 250 732836 Institutul de Cercetari pentru Hidraulica si Pneumatica str. Cutitul de Argint nr. 14 75212 Bucuresti Romania E-mail tel. +40 21 3363991 fax +40 21 3373040