Catre, Nr. inreg. 0189/ Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara Raport curent conform Legii nr. 24/2017 privind emi

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1 Catre, Nr. inreg. 0189/ Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara Raport curent conform Legii nr. 24/2017 privind emitenții de instrumente financiare și operațiuni de piață și Regulamentului nr. 5/2018 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare și operațiuni de piață Data raportului: Denumirea entitatii emitente: Fondul Inchis de Investitii BET FI Index Invest adm. de SAI Broker S.A. Sediul social: Cluj- Napoca, Str. Motilor Nr. 119, et. 4, Jud. Cluj Numarul de telefon: si numarul de fax: Codul unic de inregistrare la Oficiul Registrului Comertului Numar de ordine in Registrul Comertului: J12/2603/2012 Capital social subscris si varsat: lei Piata reglementata pe care se tranzactioneaza valorile mobiliare emise: Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Evenimente importante de raportat: Plata dividendelor aferente anului 2018 transa I Urmare a hotararii Consiliului de Administratie din data de a SAI Broker S.A. autorizata prin Decizia nr. 71/ , inscrisa in Registrul A.S.F. sub nr. PJR05SAIR/120031, Fondul Inchis de Investitii BET FI Index Invest, inscris in Registrul ASF sub nr. CSC08FIIR/120035, ISIN: ROFIIN0000T6 anunta ca plata dividendelor aferente exercitiului financiar 2018 transa I, se va efectua dupa cum urmeaza: - Dividendul brut este in valoare de 2 lei pentru fiecare unitate de fond emisa de Fondul Inchis de Investitii BET FI Index Invest, detinuta la data de identificare. Vor beneficia de dividend investitorii care detin unitati de fond la data de identificare conform registrului investitorilor tinut de catre Depozitarul Central S.A. - Impozitul pe dividende va fi retinut la sursa in cotele prevazute de legislatia in vigoare; - Data de identificare: (ex date ) - Data platii: Costurile aferente platilor dividendelor, indiferent de metoda de plata, vor fi suportate de catre investitori. - Plata dividendelor se va realiza prin intermediul Depozitarului Central si BRD-Groupe Societe Generale - agentul de plata selectat. Modalitati de plata a dividendelor: 1. Prin Participanti (Banci custode/ssif): Persoane fizice s i juridice/alte entitati care au cont deschis la Participant: Pentru actionarii persoane fizice, juridice sau alte entitati, care la Data de identificare detin unitati de fond evidentiate in Sectiunea 2 sau 3 a registrului investitorilor in contul deschis la Participant, 1

2 dividendele vor fi platite automat in Data platii ( ) prin virament bancar, prin intermediul Depozitarului Central, in conturile Participantilor respectivi. Investitorii nerezidenti care au cont deschis la Participant si doresc aplicarea prevederilor mai favorabile ale Conventiei de evitare a dublei impuneri i ncheiate intre Romania si tara lor de rezidenta vor transmite la sediul SAI Broker SA, prin intermediul Participantului, certificatul de rezidenta fiscala pentru anul in care are loc plata dividendelor (2019), in termen de valabilitate, in original sau in copie legalizata, apostilat/supralegalizat, daca este cazul, impreuna cu traducerea autorizata in limba romana, in original, in urmatoarele termene: - Pana la data de , in cazul in care nu au optat pentru Plata amanata a dividendelor. Aplicarea Conventiei de evitare a dublei impuneri, in Data platii este conditionata de primirea pana la data de a documentelor complete. - Pana cel tarziu la data de , in cazul in care au optat pentru plata amanata a dividendelor. Data platii amanate este data ulterioara Datei platii care reprezinta data limita stabilita de emitent pana la care se amana plata dividendelor catre actionarii nerezidenti care si-au exprimat, prin intermediul Participantilor, aceasta optiune de plata pentru a beneficia de prevederile mai favorabile ale Conventiei de evitare a dublei impuneri. Data platii amanate este Plata dividendelor cuvenite investitorilor nerezidenti care au optat pentru plata amanata va fi efectuata i n termen de cel mult 10 zile lucratoare de la data primirii de catre SAI Broker SA, prin intermediul Participantilor, a documentatiei complete. Participantii vor transmite la sediul SAI Broker SA, pana la datele mentionate anterior, lista investitorilor pentru care se depun documentele fiscale si care trebuie sa contina: denumirea completa a investitorilor (pentru cazurile in care denumirea din Registrul Investitorilor este diferita de cea inscrisa in documentele fiscale, se va prezenta intr-o rubrica speciala motivele/explicatiile acestor diferente), codul de identificare al investitorului cu care acesta este inscris in Registrul investitorilor transmis de catre Depozitarul Central (NIN), numarul de unitati de fond detinut la Data de identificare. In cazul investitorilor nerezidenti reprezentati de Participant, se va retine impozitul pe dividende in cota standard prevazuta de Codul Fiscal din Romania daca: - Investitorii nu au optat pentru plata amanata si nu au transmis certficatul de rezidenta fiscala pana in data de In aceasta situatie plata dividendelor se va efectua la Data Platii ( ). - Investitorii au optat pentru plata amanata, dar nu au transmis cel tarziu pana la data de , certificatul de rezidenta fiscala, situatie i n care plata dividendelor se va efectua la Data platii amanate ( ). 2. Plati prin virament bancar (in conturi in lei la o banca din Romania) pentru investitorii persoane fizice sau juridice care nu au cont deschis la Participant conform solicitarilor adresate SAI Broker SA. Solicitarile vor fi transmise catre SAI Broker SA pana la data de

3 a) Pentru investitorii persoane fizice care nu au incasat dividende pentru anul 2016 si sunt investitori ai fondului la data de identificare : - solicitare scrisa semnata de catre investitor, in care se vor preciza banca s i codul IBAN al contului deschis pe numele investitorului; Investitorii sunt rugati sa precizeze i n solicitare numarul de telefon la care pot fi contactati in eventualitatea unor clarificari. - copia actului de dentitate; - copie extras de cont sau un document eliberat de banca prin care se confirma existenta contului pe numele investitorului, cu precizarea codului IBAN. Documentatia poate fi transmisa prin: - posta, la sediul societatii de administrare din Cluj Napoca, Str. Motilor nr. 119, et. 4, jud. Cluj; - la numarul de fax: ; - la adresa b) Pentru investititorii persoane juridice care nu au incasat dividende pentru anul 2017 si sunt investitori ai fondului la data de identificare : - solicitare in original semnata de reprezentantul legal al societatii si stampilata cu stampila societatii, in care se vor preciza banca si codul IBAN al contului deschis pe numele societatii; Investitorii sunt rugati sa precizeze in solicitare numarul de telefon la care pot fi contactati in eventualitatea unor clarificari. - cerificat constatator in original (nu mai vechi de 30 de zile) - copia actului de identitate al reprezentantului legal; - copia certificatului de inregistrare a societatii; - copie extras de cont sau un document eliberat de banca prin care se confirma existenta contului pe numele societatii, cu precizarea codului IBAN. Documentatia prevazuta mai sus va fi transmisa prin posta la sediul societatii de administrare din Cluj-Napoca, Str. Motilor, nr. 119, et. 4, jud. Cluj. c) Pentru investitorii care au incasat dividende pentru anul 2017 si sunt investitori ai fondului la data de identificare Investitorii care doresc ca plata dividendelor sa se faca in acelasi cont bancar in care au fost platite dividendele aferente anului 2017 vor transmite solicitare scrisa semnata de catre investitor, in care se vor preciza banca si codul IBAN al contului deschis pe numele investitorului sau solicitare semnata de reprezentantul legal al societatii si stampilata cu stampila societatii, in care se vor preciza banca si codul IBAN al contului deschis pe numele societatii. Solicitarea poate fi transmisa prin: - posta la sediul societatii de administrare din Cluj-Napoca, Str. Motilor, nr. 119, et. 4, Judetul Cluj. - la numarul de fax: ; - la adresa 3

4 Investitorii care doresc ca plata dividendelor sa se faca intr-un cont bancar diferit fata de cel in care au fost platite dividendele aferente anului 2016 si 2017 vor transmite documentele mentionate la punctele a) si b). 3. Plati prin virament bancar pentru investitorii persoane fizice sau juridice care nu au cont deschis la Participant conform solicitarilor adresate Depozitarului Central. Solicitarile vor fi transmise catre Depozitarul Central pana la data de Depozitarul Central pune la dispozitia tuturor investitorilor nereprezentati de Participanti (detinatori de unitati de fond evidentiati in Sectiunea 1 a Registrului investitorilor) optiunea de a incasa orice suma cuvenita direct prin virament bancar, indiferent de emitentul care distribuie sumele de bani. Aceasta optiune presupune inregistrarea codului IBAN la Depozitarul Central, acesta putand fi utilizat pentru incasarea mai multor sau tuturor detinerilor si ramanand valabil si pentru distributiile ulterioare, pana la o notificare contrara din partea investorilor. Inregistrarea codului IBAN de catre Depozitarul Central va fi taxata conform grilei de tarife percepute detinatorilor de instrumente financiare s i suportata de catre fiecare investitor in parte. Pentru mai multe detalii despre acesta optiune de plata, investitorii sunt rugati sa contacteze Depozitarul Central la tel sau sau Investitorii persoane fizice sau juridice vor transmite Depozitarului Central documentele necesare platii astfel: a) Investorii persoane fizice, personal sau prin reprezentant legal sau conventional, vor prezenta Depozitarului Central formularul de colectare cod IBAN, in care se vor preciza banca si contul (cod IBAN) deschis pe numele Detinatorului de instrumente financiare (modelul este disponibil pe siteul Depozitarului Central - insotit de: - copia actului de identitate valabil in care sa fie lizibil codul numeric personal certificata de titular conform cu originalul ; - extras de cont sau un document eliberat de banca (semnat si stampilat) prin care se confirma existenta contului pe numele Detinatorului de instrumente financiare, cu precizarea codului IBAN, in original; - copia documentelor care atesta calitatea semnatarului cererii de reprezentant legal sau conventional, daca este cazul certificata de titular conform cu originalul ; b) Investitorii persoane juridice, prin reprezentant legal sau conventional, vor prezenta Depozitarului Central formularul de colectare cod IBAN in care se precizeaza banca si contul (cod IBAN) deschis pe numele Detinatorului de instrumente financiare (modelul este disponibil pe site-ul Depozitarului Central insotit de: - copie a certificatului de inmatriculare certificata de titular conform cu originalul ; - copie dupa documentul care atesta calitatea de reprezentant legal al societatii (certificat constatator emis de registrul comertului/entitatea echivalenta pentru entitatile de nationalitate straina) certificata de titular conform cu originalul ; - copia documentelor care atesta calitatea de reprezentant conventional a semnatarului cererii, daca este cazul certificata de titular conform cu originalul ; - extras de cont sau un document eliberat de banca (semnat si stampilat) prin care se confirma existenta contului pe numele titularului persoana juridica, cu precizarea codului IBAN, in original; 4

5 Documentele prezentate intr-o limba straina vor fi insotite de traducerea legalizata in limba romana, iar, daca sunt emise de o autoritate straina, acestea trebuie sa fie apostilate sau supralegalizate, dupa caz. Formularele de colectare cod IBAN se vor transmite la adresa: Depozitarul Central SA Bucuresti, Bd. Carol I nr , sector 2 sau vor fi depuse la sediul Depozitarului Central. Depozitarul Central verifica documentatia transmisa de Investitori, iar, in cazul in care documentatia nu este completa, solicita completarea acesteia. 4. Prin intermediul agentului de plata - BRD Groupe Societe Generale a) In numerar: numai pentru persoanele fizice care nu au cont deschis la Participant - la ghiseele BRD, la orice unitate BRD Pentru actionarii pesoane fizice care nu se incadreaza la punctele 1,2, si 3, plata dividendelor se va face in numerar, incepand cu data platii , la ghiseele BRD, la orice unitate BRD. Lista unitatilor BRD este disponibila pe site-ul s i pe site-ul Platile in numerar se vor realiza in limita sumelor stabilite in legislatia aplicabila. Investitorii vor prezenta documentele mentionate in Anexa 1. b) Prin virament bancar: persoane fizice si juridice Actionarii persoane fizice s i juridice care doresc plata dividendelor prin virament bancar pot solicita la BRD, incepand cu data platii , plata prin virament bancar prezentand la ghiseele bancii documentele mentionate in Anexa 1. Toate documentele prezentate la ghiseele bancii in copie vor fi certificate pentru conformitate cu originalul, semnate si stampilate de investitor/imputernicitul acestuia. 5. Pentru investitorii persoane fizice sau juridice nerezidente care nu au cont deschis la Participant Investitorii nerezidenti care nu sunt reprezentati de Participant si doresc aplicarea prevederilor mai favorabile ale Conventiei de evitare a dublei impuneri incheiate intre Romania si tara de rezidenta vor transmite la sediul SAI Broker SA pana la data de certificatul de rezidenta fiscala, in original sau in copie legalizata, apostilat/supralegalizat, daca este cazul, insotit de traducerea autorizata in limba romana, in original. Pentru plata dividendelor prin virament bancar, investitorii persoane fizice sau juridice nerezidente vor depune, pe langa certificatul de rezidenta fiscal, si documentele mentionate la punctul Investitorii decedati In cazul in care in registrul Investitorilor la Data de identificare sunt incluse persoane decedate, dividendele se vor plati doar dupa inregistrarea de catre Depozitarul Central, in baza solicitarii mostenitorilor, a transferului direct de proprietate asupra unitatilor de fond ca efect al succesiunii. 7. Unitati de fond detinute in coproprietate In cazul unitatilor de fond detinute in coproprietate, plata dividendelor se va efectua dupa cum urmeaza: 5

6 - In cazul platilor in numerar, platile se vor face cu conditia ca toti coproprietarii sa se prezinte la BRD personal sau prin reprezentant legal si/sau conventional si sa prezinte documentele prevazute la platile prin numerar; - In cazul platilor prin virament bancar dividendele cuvenite coproprietarilor se vor vira in contul indicat de catre toti coproprietarii in baza solicitarii comune transmise in una din metodele indicate mai sus; - In cazul platilor catre cei care au cont deschis la Participant, dividendele cuvenite coproprietarilor vor fi virate Participantului ai carui clienti sunt. - In situatia in care copropietarii solicita atat inregistrarea de catre Depozitarul Central a transferului direct de proprietate asupra instrumentelor financiare ca efect al iesirii din indiviziune, in conformitate cu Regimul juridic aplicabil, cat si plata directa catre fiecare dintre coproprietari conform numarului de instrumente dobandite in proprietate exclusiva, Depozitarul Central va bloca plata dividendelor, plata urmand a se realiza fiecarui coproprietar conform prezentei proceduri. Orice modificare de date in registrul investitorilor (modificari de nume, domiciliu, mostenitori, etc) se realizeaza numai de catre Depozitarul Central SA la solicitarea investitorului/persoanei indreptatite. Relatii suplimentare privind plata dividendelor pot fi obtinute la sediul societatii de administrare: Cluj- Napoca, S tr. Motilor, nr. 119, et. 4, Jud. Cluj, la numarul de telefon sau la adresa de mail Cu stima, Adrian Danciu Presedinte CA/Director General Bogdan Ilies Reprezentant CCI 6

7 Anexa 1 Lista documente necesare incasarii/virarii sumelor cuvenite investitorilor prin intermediul agentului de plata- BRD Groupe Societe Generale 1. Persoane Fizice - Plati procesate in numerar/virament la ghiseele Agentului de plata: In calitate de investitor persoana fizica rezidenta: - act de identitate avand inscris codul numeric personal (C.N.P.); identificarea investitorului de catre Agentul de plata se va face pe baza informatiei regasite in campul rezervat CNP. In calitate de investitor persoana fizica nerezidenta: - document cu care se identifica investitorul avand inscrise date ce trebuie sa corespunda cu cele cu care este inregistrat investitorul in evidentele Depozitarului Central. In calitate de investitor persoana fizica avand varsta sub 14 ani: - actul de identitate al tutorelui /parintelui avand i nscris codul numeric personal (C.N.P.) + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata). - certificatul de nastere al investitorilor care trebuie sa aiba inscris C.N.P.-ul + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata) - actul juridic ce instituie tutela i n cazul tutorelui care nu este unul dintre parinti + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata). In calitate de curator al investitorilor persoane fizice: - actul de identitate al curatorului avand inscris codul numeric personal (C.N.P.) + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata) actul de identitate al investitorului avand inscris codul numeric personal (C.N.P.) + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata). actul juridic ce instituie curatela + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata) In calitate de imputernicit al investitorilor persoane fizice: procura speciala autentificata la notariat care cuprinde imputernicirea de ridicare a Sumelor de distribuit eliberata cu nu mai mult de 3 ani anteriori datei in care se efectueaza plata, cu exceptia cazului in care imputernicirea are un termen de valabilitate mai mare de 3 ani si este valabila la data la care se efectueaza plata + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata) si actul de identitate al imputernicitului + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine). actul de identitate al imputernicitului avand inscris codul numeric personal (C.N.P.) + 1 fotocopie certificata pentru conformitate cu originalul (fotocopia se retine de catre Agentul de plata) 7

8 Nota 1: in cazul coproprietarilor, platile se vor procesa sub conditia prezentarii la ghiseu a tuturor coproprietarilor, personal sau prin reprezentant legal si/sau conventional Nota 2: Documentele prezentate intr-o limba straina vor fi insotite de traducerea legalizata in limba romana, iar, daca sunt emise de o autoritate straina acestea trebuie sa fie apostilate sau supralegalizate, dupa caz. Nota 3: Agentul de plata va putea realiza plati in numerar in limita sumelor stabilite in legislatia aplicabila (ex: conform Legii nr 70/2015, in vigoare incepand cu data de , sumele eliberate catre beneficiari, persoanele fizice sunt supuse plafonului zilnic de lei/zi.). Nota 4: In cazul platilor prin virament bancar in alte banci decat BRD la documentele de mai sus se anexeaza si extras de cont certificat de banca unde se solicita transferul dividendelor sau document doveditor emis de banca din care sa reiasa titularul contului bancar mai sus mentionat. Titularul contului poate fi doar investitorul sau, dupa caz, imputernicitul acestuia. Situatii exceptionale: Nu se vor efectua plati de dividende nete la ghiseu in urmatoarele cazuri: catre investitorii al caror CNP din actele prezentate la ghiseu nu concorda cu cel inscris in evidentele Agentului de plata si primite de la Depozitarul Central. Acestia vor fi indrumati catre Depozitarul Central. catre mostenitorii investitorilor. Acestia vor fi indrumati catre Depozitarul Central. Persoane Juridice - Plati procesate in virament la ghiseele Agentului de plata: Certificatul de inmatriculare/inregistrare al persoanei juridice/entitatii in Registrul Comertului/ alt document echivalent care sa ateste inregistrarea persoanei juridice/entitatii la autoritatea competenta + 1 fotocopie care se va retine de catre Agentul de Plata Act de identitate al reprezentantului legal sau, dupa caz, al mandatarului Certificatul constatator de la Registrul Comertului/ document echivalent emis de autoritatea competenta nu mai vechi de 3 luni care sa mentioneze reprezentantul legal al societatii + 1 fotocopie care se va retine de catre Agentul de Plata. Procura notariala in original sau in copie legalizata (procura se va retine de catre Agentul de Plata), daca este cazul. In cazul platilor prin virament bancar in alte banci decat BRD, la documentele de mai sus, se anexeaza si extras de cont certificat de banca unde se solicita transferul dividendelor sau document doveditor emis de banca din care sa reiasa titularul contului bancar mai sus mentionat. Titularul contului poate fi doar investitorul sau, dupa caz, imputernicitul acestuia. 8

9 In attention to No. 0189/May 23, 2019 The Bucharest Stock Exchange (B.V.B.) The Financial Supervisory Authority (A.S.F.) Current Report In accordance with the Law no. 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations and Regulation no. 5/2018 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations Report date: May 23, 2019 Issuing entity: The closed-end fund BET FI Index Invest managed by SAI Broker S.A. Registered office: Cluj-Napoca, no. 119, Motilor Street, 4 th floor, County of Cluj Phone: , fax: VAT No Trade Registry No.: J12/2603/2012 Share capital: RON 2,206,180 The regulated market on which the issued shares are traded: The Bucharest Stock Exchange Important events to report: Payment of dividends for the year st tranche Following the resolution of the Managing Board from May 23, 2019 of SAI Broker S.A authorized by Decision No. 71/January 29, 2013, registered with the A.S.F. Register under No. PJR05SAIR/120031, the closed end fund BET FI Index Invest, registered with the A.S.F. Registry under No. CSC08FIIR/120035, announces that the payment of dividends for the year st tranche - shall be made as follows: - The gross dividend is RON 2 for each fund unit issued by the closed end fund BET FI Index Invest, held at the identification date. Dividends shall be paid to those investors who hold fund units at the identification date in accordance with the investors registry kept by the Central Depositary (Depozitarul Central). - The dividend tax rate will be withheld prior to payment in accordance with the legal provisions in force. - The identification date is May 30, 2019 (ex-date May 29, 2019); - The payment date is June 06, The costs for the payment of dividends, regardless of the payment method, shall be borne by the investors. - The payment of dividends shall be made by the Central Depositary and BRD-Groupe Societe Generale, the selected payment agent. 1

10 The method of payment: 1. Via Participants (Custody banks/brokerage companies): Individuals and legal entities / other entities that have an account with the Participant: For the individuals, legal entities or other entities, who, at the identification date, hold fund units described in the Section 2 or 3 of the Investors Registry in the account opened with the Participant, the dividends shall be paid automatically on the Payment Date (June 06, 2019) by bank transfer, via the Central Depositary, into the accounts of the respective Participants. Non-resident investors who have an account with the Participant and want to benefit of the more favorable stipulations of the Agreement on the avoidance of double taxation entered between Romania and their residence country shall send to the registered office of SAI Broker SA, via the Participant, the tax residence certificate for the year when the payment of dividends is made (2019), within the due term, in original or certified copy, with apostille/super legalization, if applicable, with the certified translation into Romanian, in original, within the following term: - Until June 04, 2019, unless they have opted for the delayed payment of dividends. The application of the Agreement on the avoidance of double taxation, on the payment date, is conditioned by the receipt of the complete documents until June 04, Until the latest November 30, 2019, should they have opted for the postponed payment of dividends. The date of the postponed date is the date after the Payment Date representing the deadline established by the issuer for the delay of the payment of dividends to the non-resident shareholders who expressed, via Participants, this payment option to benefit of the more favorable stipulations of the Agreement on the avoidance of double taxation. The date of postponed payment is December 21, The payment of dividends due to the non-resident investors who opted for the postponed payment shall be made within maximum 10 business days after the receipt of the complete documentation by SAI Broker SA, via Participants. The Participants shall send to the office of SAI Broker SA, by the dates mentioned above, the list of investors whom the tax documents are presented for, and which shall include: full name of the investors (should the name in the Investors Registry be different from that recorded in the tax documents, a special section shall detail the reasons for these differences), the investor s identification code of registration with the Investors Registry sent by the Central Depositary (NIN), the number of fund units held on the Identification Date. In case of non-resident investors represented by the Participant, the tax on dividends shall be withheld in the standard rate stipulated by the Romanian Tax Law: - Unless the investors have opted for the postponed payment and have sent the certificate of tax residence until June 04, In this case, the payment of dividends shall be made on the Payment Date (June 06, 2019) 2

11 - If the investors have opted for the postponed payment but have not sent the certificate of tax residence until the latest November 30, In this case, the payment of dividends shall be made on the Postponed Payment Date (December 21, 2019). 2. Payments by bank transfer (into accounts in RON at a bank in Romania) for the individual investors or legal entities who do not have an account opened with the Participant in accordance with the requests addressed by SAI Broker SA. The requests shall be sent to SAI Broker SA until the latest June 04, a) For the individual investors who have not cashed dividends for to the year 2017 and are fund investors on the identification date, May 30, 2019: o written request signed by the investor, mentioning the bank and the IBAN code of the account opened on behalf of the investor; Investors are asked to stipulate in the request the contact phone number in case that clarifications are needed. o copy of the identity card; o copy of the statement of account or a document issued by the bank confirming the existence of the account on behalf of the investor, mentioning the IBAN code. The documentation can be sent by: - mail, to the registered office of the management company in Cluj-Napoca, no 119, Motilor Street, 4 th floor, county of Cluj. - fax to to b) For the legal entities that have not cashed dividends for the year 2017 and are fund investors at the identification date, May 30, 2019: o request in original duly signed by the legal representative of the entity and with the seal of the company, mentioning the bank and the IBAN code of the account opened on behalf of the company; Investors are asked to mention in their request the contact phone number in case that clarifications are needed. o Trade Registry certificate of attestation (not older than 30 days) o copy of the identity card of the legal representative; o copy of the certificate of incorporation of the company; o copy of a statement of account or a document issued by the bank confirming the existence of the account on behalf of the company, mentioning the IBAN code. The documentation stipulated above shall be sent by mail to the registered office of the management company in Cluj-Napoca, no.11 9, Motilor Street, 4 th floor, county of Cluj. c) For the investors who have cashed dividends for the year 2017 and are fund investors at the identification date, May 30, Investors who want the payment of dividends to be made into the same bank account where the dividends for the year 2017 were paid, will send the written request signed by the investor, mentioning the bank and the IBAN code of the account opened on behalf of the investor or a request signed by the legal representative of the company bearing the seal of the company, mentioning the bank and the IBAN code of the account opened on behalf of the company. 3

12 The request can be sent by: - mail, to the registered office of the management company in Cluj-Napoca, no. 119, Motilor Street, 4 th floor, county of Cluj. - fax to to The investors who want the payment of the dividends to be made into a bank account other than the one where the dividends for the year 2016 and 2017 were paid, shall send the documents mentioned at paragraphs a) and b) above. 3. Payments by bank transfer to the individuals or legal entities who do not have an account opened with the Participant in accordance with the requests sent to the Central Depositary The requests shall be sent to the Central Depositary until the latest June 04, The Central Depositary gives all the investors not represented by Participants (fund holders units described in Section 1 of the Investors Registry) the option to cash any due amount directly by bank transfer, regardless of the issuer distributing the amounts. This option means the registration of the IBAN code with the Central Depositary, which can be used to cash several or all the holding titles, and remains valid for future distributions too, until a contrary notification from the investors is received. The registration of the IBAN code with the Central Depositary shall be charged in accordance with the fee list levied from the holders of securities and borne by each individual investor. For further details regarding this payment method, the investors are asked to contact the Central Depositary, by phone: or or by The individuals or legal entities shall send to the Central Depositary the documents needed for the payment, as follows: a) The individual investors, personally or through a legal or conventional representative, shall present the Central Depositary the submission form of the IBAN code, mentioning the bank and the account (IBAN code) opened on behalf of the securities holder (the form is available on the site of the Central Depositary - joined by: - copy of the identity card where the personal identification number shall be readable, certified by the holder with conform to the original ; - statement of account or a document issued by the bank (duly signed and sealed) confirming the existence of the account on behalf of the Holder of securities, mentioning the IBAN code, in original; copy of the documents attesting the quality of the person signing the request, as a legal or conventional representative, as the case may be certified by the holder with conform to the original ; 4

13 b) The legal entities, through legal or conventional representative, shall present the Central Depositary the submission form of the IBAN code, mentioning the bank and the account (IBAN code) opened on behalf of the securities` holder (the form is available on the site of the Central Depositary - joined by: - copy of the incorporation certificate certified by the holder with the mention According to the original ; - copy of the document which certificates the quality of the legal representative of the company (attestation certificate issued by the Trade Registry / equivalent entity for the foreign entities) certified by the holder According to the original ; - copy of the documents attesting the quality of conventional representative of the person who makes the request, if applicable certified by the holder According to the original ; - statement of account or other document issued by the bank (duly signed and sealed) confirming the existence of the account on behalf of the holder legal entity, mentioning the IBAN code, in original; The documents written in a foreign language will have attached the certified translation into Romanian language, and if it is issued by a foreign authority, they shall bear the apostille or superlegalization, as applicable. The submission forms of the IBAN code shall be sent to the next address: Depozitarul Central SA Bucharest, Bd. Carol I no , District 2 or presented at the office of the Central Depositary. The Central Depositary checks the documentation sent by the Investors, and in case that the documentation is not complete, they will require the documents they still need. 4. Via the payment agent - BRD Groupe Societe Generale a) In cash: only for individuals who do not have an account opened with the Participant - at the BRD cash desks or any BRD unit For individual investors who are not mentioned at paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, the payment of dividends shall be made cash, starting on the payment date, September 15, 2016, at the BRD desks or any BRD unit. The list of BRD units is available on the website and on the The cash payments shall be made within the limit of the amounts established by the applicable legislation. Investors shall present the documents mentioned in Appendix 1. b) By bank transfer: individuals and legal entities The individual investors and legal entities who want to be paid the dividends by bank transfer can require BRD, starting on the payment date June 06, 2019, the payment by bank transfer, presenting to the bank cash desks the documents mentioned in Appendix 1. All the documents presented at the bank cash desks in copy shall be certified for conformity with the original, duly signed and sealed by the investor/trustee. 5. For the non-resident individual investors or legal entities who do not have an account opened with the Participant The non-resident investors who are not represented by the Participant and want to apply the more favorable stipulations of the Agreement on the avoidance of double taxation entered between 5

14 Romania and the residence country, shall send to the office of SAI Broker SA until the latest June 04, 2019 the certificate of tax residence, in original or certified copy, with the apostille/super legalization, if applicable, joined by the certified translation into Romanian, in original. For the payment of dividends by bank transfer, the non-resident individual investors or legal entities shall present, beside the certificate of tax residence, the documents mentioned at paragraph Deceased investors Should deceased persons be included in the registry of investors at the Identification Date, dividends shall be paid only after the registration of the direct transfer of ownership over the fund units with the Central Depositary as a result of the succession, at the request of their inheritors. 7. Fund units held in co-ownership In case of the co-owned fund units, the payment of dividends shall be made as follows: - In case of cash payments, the payments shall be made provided that all the co-owners appear at BRD personally or by legal representative and/or conventionally to present the documents stipulated for the cash payments. - In case of the payments by bank transfer, the dividends due to the co-owners shall be transferred into the account indicated by all the co-owners on the basis of the common request sent by one of the methods indicated above - In case of the payment to those who opened the account with the Participant, the dividends due to the co-owners shall be transferred to the Participant they are client with. - In case that the co-owners require both the registration by the Central Depositary of the direct transfer of ownership over the financial instruments as a result of the separation from the shared property, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, and the direct payment to each of the co-owners, in accordance with the number of instruments obtained in exclusive ownership, the Central Depositary shall block the payment of the dividends and the dividends shall be paid to each co-owner in compliance with this procedure. Any modification of data in the investors registry (name, domicile, inheritors, etc) shall be done only by the Central Depositary upon the request of the investor / due person. Additional information regarding the payment of dividends can be obtained at the registered office of the management company: Cluj- Napoca, no. 119, Motilor Street, 4 th floor, County of Cluj, by phone: or by Best regards, Adrian Danciu President of the Managing Board/ CEO Bogdan Ilieş Representative of the Compliance Department 6

15 Appendix 1 List of documents needed to cash/be transferred the due amounts to the investors via the payment agent - BRD Groupe Societe Generale 1. Individual inverstors Payments processed in cash/bank transfers at the cash desks of the Payment Agent: As a resident individual investor: - Identity card having mentioned the personal identification number (CNP); the identification of the investor by the Payment Agent shall be done on the basis of the information corresponding to CNP. As a non-resident individual investor: - Identification document of the investor, mentioning the data corresponding to those of registration in the registries of the Central Depositary As an individual investor aged under 14: - identity card of the tutor /parent, mentioning the personal identification number (CNP) + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent). - birth certificate of the investor mentioning the CNP + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent) - The legal document founding the tutoring in case of the tutor who is not one of the parents + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent) As a guardian of the investments of individual investors: - identity card of the guardian, mentioning the personal identification number (CNP) + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent) - identity card of the investor, mentioning the personal identification number (CNP) + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent). - The legal document founding the guardianship + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent) As a trustee of the individual investors: - Power of attorney authenticated by a notary, including the power of attorney to cash the Amounts to be distributed issued within a maximum of 3 years before the date of payment, except for the case where the power of attorney has a validity term longer than 3 years and is valid at the date when the payment is made + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent) and the identity card of the trustee + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy is held). - identity card of the trustee, mentioning the personal identification number (CNP) + 1 photocopy certified for conformity with the original (the photocopy shall be withheld by the Payment Agent) Note 1: In case of co-owners, the payment shall be processed provided that all the co-owners appear at the cash desk, personally or by legal and/or conventional representative. 7

16 Note 2: The documents presented in a foreign language shall be joined by a certified translation into Romanian, and if they are issued by a foreign authority, they shall bear the apostille / superlegalization, as the case may be. Note 3: The Payment Agent can make cash payments within the limit of the amounts established by the applicable legislation (i.e. Law No. 70/2015, valid from May 8, 2015, the amounts issued to the beneficiaries, individuals, are submitted to the daily threshold of RON 10,000 RON daily). Note 4: In case of payments by bank transfer to banks others than BRD, a statement of account shall be attached certified by the bank where the transfer of the dividends is required or a proving document issued by the bank, mentioning the holder of the account indicated above. The holder of the account can be only the investor or, as the case may be, his/her trustee. Exceptions: No payments at the cash desk shall be made in the following cases: - To the investors whose personal identification number (CNP) in the documents presented at the cash desk is not identical to that recorded in the data held by the Agent and received from the Central Depositary. They shall be directed to the Central Depositary. - To the inheritors of the shareholders. They shall be directed to the Central Depositary. 2. Legal entities Payments processed by transfer at the cash desks of the Payment Agent: - The incorporation certificate of the legal entity at the Trade Registry / other equivalent document attesting the registration of the legal entity by the competent authority + 1 photocopy which shall be withheld by the Payment Agent - Identity card of the legal representative or, as the case may be, the trustee - Attestation Certificate from the Trade Registry / equivalent document issued by the competent authority, no older than 3 months, mentioning the legal representative of the company + 1 photocopy which shall be held by the Payment Agent. - Power of attorney in original or certified copy (the power of attorney shall be withheld by the Payment Agent), as the case may be. - In case of payments by bank transfer to banks other than BRD, beside the documents above, a statement of account must be attached certified by the bank where the transfer of dividends is required, or a proving document issued by the bank, mentioning the holder of the account indicated above. The holder of the account can be only the investor or, as the case may be, his/her trustee. 8

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conform Regulamentului nr

conform Regulamentului nr S.C. PREBET AIUD S.A. ROMÂNIA 515200 AIUD str. Arenei nr.10 jud.alba Tel: 0258 / 861661 fax ; 0258 / 861454 CONT RO66RNCB0005021058440001 RO27BRDE010SV36173890100 R.C. J 01/121/1991 COD FISCAL :RO 1763841

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Str.Dorobanților Nr. 48 Cluj-Napoca ClujRomânia Tel: Fax: Nr. inreg. 2308/11.04

Str.Dorobanților Nr. 48 Cluj-Napoca ClujRomânia Tel: Fax: Nr. inreg. 2308/11.04 Nr. inreg. 2308/11.04.2013 Catre - Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare - Bursa de Valori - Bucuresti RAPORT CURENT CONFORM ANEXEI 29 DIN REGULAMENTUL C.N.V.M. NR. 1/2006 Raport curent conform art.

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Raport curent_3_ _ro

Raport curent_3_ _ro Raport curent Nr. 3 din 23 martie 2017 Raport curent conform art. 113 lit. A alin. 1 lit. b) din Regulamentul CNVM 1/2006 Data raportului: 23 martie 2017 Denumirea entităţii emitente: Alumil Rom Industry

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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IR Update February 2014

IR Update February 2014 Cum poti afla mai multe informatii despre pietele de capital Zuzanna Kurek, Specialist IR Fluent in Finante Crearea unei umbrele cu toate proiectele pietei de capital Platforma

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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Raport semestrial

Raport semestrial Tel: (+40)21.539.46.00, Fax: (+40) 21.310.06.05 Nr. 9/23.03.2017 Către: Bursa De Valori Bucureşti Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară Data raportului: 23.03.2017 Denumirea entităţii emitente: NATURA

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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Tax & Fiscal Alert_January 2013

Tax & Fiscal Alert_January 2013 Tax & Fiscal Alert 23.01.2013 Form 300 VAT return Contacts: Dragos Nicolae Tax Manager Ramona Sandu Accounting Manager ANAF Order no. 1790

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x RAPORT CURENT TERAPLAST S.A. Parc Industrial TeraPlast DN 15A, km 45+500, Cod. 427298, Jud. Bistriţa-Năsăud Tel: 0374 46 15 29; Fax: 0263 23 12 21 CUI: RO3094980; J6/735/1992 Capital social subscris și

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Raport semestrial ETF BET Tradeville la

Raport semestrial ETF BET Tradeville la Raport semestrial al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la 30.06.2014 1 ANEXA Nr.30 la regulamentul CNVM nr. 1/2006 A. Raportul semestrial Conform: Regulamentului nr.1/2006 al CNVM, Legii

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SOCIETATEA COMERCIALA VES SA SIGHISOARA - MURES Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 102 Tel: Fax: / conta

SOCIETATEA COMERCIALA VES SA SIGHISOARA - MURES Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 102 Tel: Fax: / conta SOCIETATEA COMERCIALA VES SA 545400 - SIGHISOARA - MURES Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 102 Tel: 00-40-265-773840 Fax: 00-40-265-778865 / 779710 E-mail: web:; Nr. inreg.

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Documentul-de-informare-modificare-prospect Documentul de informare si solicitare a acordului participantilor Fondului de Pensii Facultative Raiffeisen Acumulare S.A.I. Raiffeisen Asset Management S.A. cu sediul in Calea Floreasca nr. 246 D, etaj

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Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow

Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the follow Participation on Logiscool Courses and in Camps: General Terms and Conditions (GTC) For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following

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TMK Europe

TMK Europe 102/75 from 05/04/2019 Raport Curent in conformitate cu Legea nr. 24/2017 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare si operatiuni de piata si ale Regulamentului nr. 5/2018 privind emitentii de instrumente

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Note: The English version of the Lease Agreement may be found in Section B of this document if necessary. SECȚIUNEA A. CONTRACT DE ÎNCHIRIERE NR. [NR]

Note: The English version of the Lease Agreement may be found in Section B of this document if necessary. SECȚIUNEA A. CONTRACT DE ÎNCHIRIERE NR. [NR] Note: The English version of the Lease Agreement may be found in Section B of this document if necessary. SECȚIUNEA A. CONTRACT DE ÎNCHIRIERE NR. [NR]/[DATA] Prezentul contract de închiriere ("Contract")

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C A P I T O L U L 4

C A P I T O L U L  4 Sursa datelor: CAPITOLUL 4 VENITURILE POPULAŢIEI Cercetări statistice: Cercetarea statistică privind costul forţei de muncă, în unităţi economico-sociale (conform Regulamentului Consiliului şi Parlamentului

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Anexa 1 PJ ro

Anexa 1 PJ ro Anexa 1 CERERE DE DESCHIDERE CONT PIETE DE CAPITAL - Persoane Juridice - Cerere Noua Cerere Modificata 1. DATE DE IDENTIFICARE ALE CLIENTULUI Denumirea societatii... Forma de organizare... Cod Unic de

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Microsoft Word - IL_RO_203.doc


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x RAPORT CURENT In conformitate cu Legea nr. 297/2004 si Regulamentul CNVM nr. 1/2006 Data raportului: 03 septembrie 2015 Denumirea societatii emitente: TERAPLAST S.A. Sediul social: Parc Industrial Teraplast,

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CONVOCATOR Consiliul de Administrație al societății Sphera Franchise Group S.A., societate pe acțiuni administrată în sistem unitar și funcționând în

CONVOCATOR Consiliul de Administrație al societății Sphera Franchise Group S.A., societate pe acțiuni administrată în sistem unitar și funcționând în CONVOCATOR Consiliul de Administrație al societății Sphera Franchise Group S.A., societate pe acțiuni administrată în sistem unitar și funcționând în conformitate cu legile din România, cu sediul social

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Microsoft Word - pensii 4_64_.doc

Microsoft Word - pensii 4_64_.doc Numărul mediu al pensionarilor, (Average number of pensioners, a) Pentru limită de vârstă, (For age limit, IV.1. Numărul mediu al pensionarilor de asigurări sociale de stat şi agricultori Average number

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Analiza modurilor de interpretare ale art. 30 din R1198/2006 şi efectele acestora asupra sectorului de piscicultură Cătălin PLATON

Analiza modurilor de interpretare ale art. 30 din R1198/2006 şi efectele acestora asupra sectorului de piscicultură Cătălin PLATON Analiza modurilor de interpretare ale art. 30 din R1198/2006 şi efectele acestora asupra sectorului de piscicultură Cătălin PLATON 2 a XV-a Reuniune a CM POP, Bucuresti, 18 februarie 2016 3 a XV-a Reuniune

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MINISTERUL FINANŢELOR PUBLICE MINISTERUL FINANŢELOR PUBLICE AGENŢIA NAŢIONALĂ DE ADMINISTRARE FISCALĂ ORDIN nr. privind Procedura de restituire a impozitului pe venit reţinut la sursă de către plătitorul de venit în cuantum mai mare

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Raport semestrial al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la

Raport semestrial al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la Raport semestrial al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la 30.06.2015 1 ANEXA Nr.30 la regulamentul CNVM nr. 1/2006 A. Raportul semestrial Conform: Regulamentului nr.1/2006 al CNVM, Legii

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Microsoft Word - Revista_Universul_Juridic_nr_ _PAGINAT_.doc


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Transilvania Broker

Transilvania Broker CONVOCATOR ADUNAREA GENERALA A ACTIONARILOR - Ordinara si Extraordinara 06 decembrie 2018 In conformitate cu prevederile Legii 31/1990 privind societatile, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile

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Assessment of patients' satisfaction in a public health service

Assessment of patients' satisfaction in a public health service ASSESSMENT OF PATIENTS' SATISFACTION IN A PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Rusu Ionut. MD Bucharest Emergency University Hospital Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest total amount of population

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Fondul Deschis de Investitii ifond Monetar Raport privind activitatea 2010 SAI Intercapital Investment Management SA Blvd. Aviatorilor nr.33, Et. 1, S

Fondul Deschis de Investitii ifond Monetar Raport privind activitatea 2010 SAI Intercapital Investment Management SA Blvd. Aviatorilor nr.33, Et. 1, S Fondul Deschis de Investitii ifond Monetar Raport privind activitatea 2010 SAI Intercapital Investment Management SA Blvd. Aviatorilor nr.33, Et. 1, Sect. 1, Bucuresti, 011853, Tel., Fax

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Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector , București Tel: , Fax: CIF: RO , J40

Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector , București Tel: , Fax: CIF: RO , J40 Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector 1 010621, București Tel: 0212085999, Fax: 0212085998 CIF: RO 13267221, J40/7425/2000 Capital social: 3.459.399.290 RON

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STORY NAME: Young musician COPYRIGHT HOLDER: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Telefilm Chisinau / OPEN Media Hub Ownership of content belongs to Telefilm Chisinau /

STORY NAME: Young musician COPYRIGHT HOLDER: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Telefilm Chisinau / OPEN Media Hub Ownership of content belongs to Telefilm Chisinau / STORY NAME: Young musician COPYRIGHT HOLDER: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Telefilm Chisinau / OPEN Media Hub Ownership of content belongs to Telefilm Chisinau / OPEN Media Hub USAGE TERMS: Share & Adapt - Attribution

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INTREBARI FRECVENTE 1. Care este structura codului LEI? LEI este un cod unic alcatuit din 20 de caractere alfanumerice definit conform standardului IS

INTREBARI FRECVENTE 1. Care este structura codului LEI? LEI este un cod unic alcatuit din 20 de caractere alfanumerice definit conform standardului IS INTREBARI FRECVENTE 1. Care este structura codului LEI? LEI este un cod unic alcatuit din 20 de caractere alfanumerice definit conform standardului ISO 17442 si alocat de catre o Unitate de Operare Locala

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MED LIFE S.A. Sediul social: București, Calea Griviței, nr. 365, sector 1, România Codul de înregistrare fiscală: Număr de ordine în Registrul

MED LIFE S.A. Sediul social: București, Calea Griviței, nr. 365, sector 1, România Codul de înregistrare fiscală: Număr de ordine în Registrul MED LIFE S.A. Sediul social: București, Calea Griviței, nr. 365, sector 1, România Codul de înregistrare fiscală: 8422035 Număr de ordine în Registrul Comerţului: J40/3709/1996 Capital social subscris

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Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector , București Tel: , Fax: CIF: RO , J40

Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector , București Tel: , Fax: CIF: RO , J40 Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector 1 010621, București Tel: 0212085999, Fax: 0212085998 CIF: RO 13267221, J40/7425/2000 Capital social: 3.459.399.290 RON

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pagina 1 din 2 Nr. înreg: 944/ Către, BURSA DE VALORI BUCUREȘTI S.A., AUTORITATEA DE SUPRAVEGHERE FINANCIARĂ - Sectorul Instrumente și Inves

pagina 1 din 2 Nr. înreg: 944/ Către, BURSA DE VALORI BUCUREȘTI S.A., AUTORITATEA DE SUPRAVEGHERE FINANCIARĂ - Sectorul Instrumente și Inves pagina 1 din 2 Nr. înreg: 944/17.05.2019 Către, BURSA DE VALORI BUCUREȘTI S.A., AUTORITATEA DE SUPRAVEGHERE FINANCIARĂ - Sectorul Instrumente și Investiții Financiare Subscrisa cu sediul în Florești, Str.

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Raport curent conform: Legii 297/2004, Regulamentului CNVM nr. 1/2006 Data raportului: Piata reglementata pe care se tranzactioneaza valori

Raport curent conform: Legii 297/2004, Regulamentului CNVM nr. 1/2006 Data raportului: Piata reglementata pe care se tranzactioneaza valori Raport curent conform: Legii 297/2004, Regulamentului CNVM nr. 1/2006 Data raportului: 11.04.2017 Piata reglementata pe care se tranzactioneaza valorile mobiliare emise: Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, ctg.

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Raport preliminar al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la

Raport preliminar al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la Raport preliminar al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la 31.12.2015 1 ANEXA Nr.30 la regulamentul CNVM nr. 1/2006 A. Raportul preliminar Conform: Regulamentului nr.1/2006 al CNVM, Legii

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DECLARAŢIE privind veniturile realizate din străinătate Anul Anexa nr Declaraţie rectificativă Se completează cu X în cazul declaraţiilor rectif

DECLARAŢIE privind veniturile realizate din străinătate Anul Anexa nr Declaraţie rectificativă Se completează cu X în cazul declaraţiilor rectif DECLARAŢIE privind veniturile realizate din străinătate Anul Anexa nr.2 201 Declaraţie rectificativă Se completează cu X în cazul declaraţiilor rectificative I. DATE DE IDENTIFICARE A CONTRIBUABILULUI

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Pensii şi asigurări sociale de stat / Pensions and State Social Insurance

Pensii şi asigurări sociale de stat / Pensions and State Social Insurance Evoluţii în domeniul asigurărilor sociale de stat...3 1.Numărul mediu al pensionarilor de asigurări sociale de stat şi agricultori... 7 2.Pensia medie lunară de asigurări sociale de stat şi agricultori...

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Pensii şi asigurări sociale de stat / Pensions and State Social Insurance

Pensii şi asigurări sociale de stat / Pensions and State Social Insurance Evoluţii în domeniul asigurărilor sociale de stat Intrarea în vigoare a Legii nr. 263/2010 privind sistemul unitar de pensii publice, a dus la evitarea unor evoluţii negative ale sistemului de pensii publice.

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PROIECT PROIECT Anexa nr. 1 Norma privind utilizarea activului personal net al participantului la un fond de pensii facultative Având în vedere prevederile art. 77 alin. (3) şi (4), art. 93 şi art. 94 din Legea

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Raport trimestrial ETF BET Tradeville la

Raport trimestrial ETF BET Tradeville la Raport trimestrial al Fondului Deschis de Investitii ETF BET Tradeville la 31.03.2013 1 ANEXA Nr.30 la regulamentul CNVM nr. 1/2006 A. Raportul trimestrial Conform: Regulamentului nr.1/2006 al CNVM, Legii

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Microsoft Word - RC_HOTARARI AGEA AGOA.doc


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FATCA FAQ FATCA Ce înseamnă FATCA? FATCA = Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act / Legea conformităţii fiscale a conturilor din străinătate FATCA este o cerinţă legislativă - un document de conformare fiscală -

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SWIFT: BTRLRO22 C.U.I. RO R.B. - P.J.R Nr. Înreg. Reg. Com.: J12 / 4155 / 1993 RAPORT CURENT conform Reg. C.N.V.M. nr.

SWIFT: BTRLRO22 C.U.I. RO R.B. - P.J.R Nr. Înreg. Reg. Com.: J12 / 4155 / 1993 RAPORT CURENT conform Reg. C.N.V.M. nr. RAPORT CURENT conform Reg. C.N.V.M. nr. 1/2006 Data: 18.04.2018 BANCA TRANSILVANIA S.A. CLUJ-NAPOCA Sediul social: Cluj-Napoca, str.g.baritiu nr.8 Numar telefon/fax: 0264/407150/407179 Numar/data inregistrarii

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CAPITOLUL 2. Populaţie / Population Se remarcă o tendinţă de creştere a procentului populaţiei rurale datorată în principal migraţiei populaţiei din z

CAPITOLUL 2. Populaţie / Population Se remarcă o tendinţă de creştere a procentului populaţiei rurale datorată în principal migraţiei populaţiei din z Se remarcă o tendinţă de creştere a procentului populaţiei rurale datorată în principal migraţiei populaţiei din zone urbane înspre zonele periurbane. Conform surselor administrative, numărul populaţiei

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Catre Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare RAPORT CURENT Conform Regulamentului CNVM nr. 1/2006, modificat prin Regulamen

Catre Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare RAPORT CURENT Conform Regulamentului CNVM nr. 1/2006, modificat prin Regulamen Catre Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare RAPORT CURENT Conform Regulamentului CNVM nr. 1/2006, modificat prin Regulamentul CNVM nr. 31/2006 Data raportului: 12 noiembrie

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Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector , București Tel: , Fax: CIF: RO , J40

Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector , București Tel: , Fax: CIF: RO , J40 Societatea Energetică Electrica S.A. Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.9, sector 1 010621, București Tel: 0212085999, Fax: 0212085998 CIF: RO 13267221, J40/7425/2000 Capital social: 3.459.399.290 RON

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RAPORT PRIVIND ACTIVITATEA BRD ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A.I S.A. SEMESTRUL RAPORT PRIVIND ACTIVITATEA BRD ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A.I S.A. SEMESTRUL 1-2018 CUPRINS 1. Informaţii generale... 3 2. Informații asupra dezvoltării previzibile a societății... 6 3. Evenimente ulterioare datei

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anexa1formular 201 decl privind venit din strainatete.pdf

anexa1formular 201  decl  privind venit din strainatete.pdf Agen ia Na ional de Administrare Fiscal DECLARA IE privind veniturile realizate din str in tate 201 Anul Declara ie rectificativ Se completeaz cu X în cazul declara iilor rectificative I. DATE DE IDENTIFICARE

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Microsoft Word - Revista_Universul_Juridic_nr_3-2019_PAGINAT_.doc

Microsoft Word - Revista_Universul_Juridic_nr_3-2019_PAGINAT_.doc Revista 64 Universul Juridic nr. 3, martie 2019, pp. 64-70 SILVIU-DORIN ŞCHIOPU ABSENŢA OBLIGAŢIEI DE INFORMARE ÎN IPOTEZA PREVĂZUTĂ DE ART. 14 ALIN. (5) LIT. B) DIN REGULAMENTUL GENERAL PRIVIND PROTECŢIA

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Microsoft Word - Revista_Universul_Juridic_nr_ _PAGINAT_.doc

Microsoft Word - Revista_Universul_Juridic_nr_ _PAGINAT_.doc Revista 118 Universul Juridic nr. 4, aprilie 2018, pp. 118-138 Actualitate legislativă III. ACTUALITATE LEGISLATIVĂ ABSTRACT Several codes were amended in April 2018: the Fiscal Code, the Fiscal Procedure

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Microsoft Word - 03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_ RO_EN

Microsoft Word - 03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_ RO_EN LEGAL NEWS No. 3 / 25 April 2019 Modificări referitoare la legislația zilierilor În Monitorul Oficial nr. 309 / 19.04.2019 a fost publicată OUG 26 (denumită în continuare OUG 26/2019 ) privind modificarea

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Calea Grivitei nr. 8-10, parter, biroul 1 sector 1, BUCURESTI Nr. Inreg. Of. Reg.Com.J40/693/1991 Cod unic de inregistrare Telefon/Fax:

Calea Grivitei nr. 8-10, parter, biroul 1 sector 1, BUCURESTI Nr. Inreg. Of. Reg.Com.J40/693/1991 Cod unic de inregistrare Telefon/Fax: Calea Grivitei nr. 8-10, parter, biroul 1 sector 1, BUCURESTI Nr. Inreg. Of. Reg.Com.J40/693/1991 Cod unic de inregistrare 1558154 Telefon/Fax: 021 312 96 39 E-mail: P R O I E C T

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rep_anexa16 Data raportului: 14.10.2016 Raport conform: Reg. ASF nr. 10/2015 si 9/2014 Denumirea emitentului: Societatea de Investitii Financiare MOLDOVA SA Sediul soial: Str. Pictor Aman nr.94 C, Bacau Tel./fax/e-mail:

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Purcari Wineries Public Company Limited Str. Lampousas nr.1, 1095, Nicosia, Cipru Tel: , Fax: HE Capital social:

Purcari Wineries Public Company Limited Str. Lampousas nr.1, 1095, Nicosia, Cipru Tel: , Fax: HE Capital social: Purcari Wineries Public Company Limited Str. Lampousas nr.1, 1095, Nicosia, Cipru Tel: +373 22 856 035, Fax: +373 22 856 022 HE201949 Capital social: EUR 200.000 Către: cc: Bursa de Valori

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GHID Ghidul emitentilor pentru sistemul alternativ de tranzactionare pag. 1 / 10 NOUL SISTEM ALTERNATIV DE TRANZACTIONARE AL BURSEI DE VALORI BUCURESTI Bursa de Valori Bucureşti a înfiinţat Sistemul Alternativ

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Prospectul Schemei de Pensii

Prospectul Schemei de Pensii Prospectul Schemei de Pensii al Fondului de Pensii Administrat Privat BCR Gradul de risc al Fondului: Mediu Autoritatea competentă în domeniul reglementării şi supravegherii sistemului de pensii private

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation MODULUL 4: COSTUL PE DURATA DE VIATA & APLICATII PRACTICE ALE CVD The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the Clean Fleets project. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion

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